Python Cheatsheet is a repository designed to be a handy reference for Python developers. It includes a collection of Python...
Python Patterns is a repository that provides Python implementations of various design patterns. Design patterns are standard solutions to common...
Complete Python 3 Bootcamp is a repository containing the code and materials for the "Complete Python 3 Bootcamp" course offered...
Awesome-python is a repository that offers a curated collection of Python resources and libraries. The list includes popular Python frameworks,...
PythonRobotics is an open-source repository that provides Python implementations of numerous robotics algorithms and techniques. The repository is aimed at...
Python-DataScience-Handbook is a repository that provides the code and resources for the book Python Data Science Handbook. This book serves...
The lapis library provides a framework and runtime for simulating the scheduling and usage of opportunistic and static resources.
Exercism-Python is a repository that contains Python programming exercises as part of the Exercism platform. Exercism provides coding challenges and...
Python instalado e disponível no terminal de comandos.
Python Client Libraries for HPIT.
System Overview
Universal game AI system. Game developers need to provide functions like those provided by Open-AI...
Game engine
Show-Me-the-Code-python is an open-source repository aimed at providing practical examples of Python code snippets and solutions. It serves as a...
Geekcomputers-Python is an open-source repository that houses a variety of Python scripts designed to perform different tasks and solve various...
A2PM is a gray-box method for the generation of realistic adversarial examples. It benefits from a modular architecture to assign...
This package provides the Python “pyneurgen” module, which contains several
classes for implementing grammatical evolution, a form of genetic programming,...
The-Algorithms-Python is an open-source repository dedicated to providing a wide range of algorithms and data structures implemented in Python. This...
kubernetes-client-python is an open-source project that offers a Python client library for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. This library allows Python...
Prettypretty is a Rust library with optional Python integration that brings 2020s color science to 1970s terminals for building awesome...
PyBERT is a serial communication link bit error rate tester simulator with a graphical user interface (GUI).
It uses the...
A lightweight and polyglot stream-processing library, to be used as a data backplane-, message relay-, or pipeline-subsystem.
Jaxley is a differentiable simulator for biophysical neuron models in JAX. Its key features are:
A boilerplate for Node.js web applications.
If you have attended any hackathons in the past, then you know how much time it...
如果你跟我一樣,每次看到網頁上的中文字和英文、數字、符號擠在一塊,就會坐立難安,忍不住想在它們之間加個空格。這個外掛(支援 Chrome 和 Firefox)正是你在網路世界走跳所需要的東西,它會自動替你在網頁中所有的中文字和半形的英文、數字、符號之間插入空白。
漢學家稱這個空白字元為「盤古之白」,因為它劈開了全形字和半形字之間的混沌。另有研究顯示,打字的時候不喜歡在中文和英文之間加空格的人,感情路都走得很辛苦,有七成的比例會在 34 歲的時候跟自己不愛的人結婚,而其餘三成的人最後只能把遺產留給自己的貓。畢竟愛情跟書寫都需要適時地留白。
An enhancer/customiser for the all-in-one productivity workspace Notion
当前仓库搜集了 580 多个 Linux 命令,是一个非盈利性的仓库,生成了一个 web 网站方便使用,目前网站没有任何广告,内容包含 Linux 命令手册、详解、学习,内容来自网络和网友的补充,非常值得收藏的 Linux 命令速查手册。版权归属原作者,对任何法律问题及风险不承担任何责任,没有任何商业目的,如果认为侵犯了您的版权,请来信告知。我不能完全保证内容的正确性。通过使用本站内容带来的风险与我无关。当使用本站时,代表您已接受了本站的使用条款和隐私条款。
Your LeetHub portfolio could look like this!
It's as simple as:
Chrome extension
Dark Reader is an open-source MIT-licensed browser extension designed to analyze web pages. Dark Reader will generate a dark mode that aims to reduce the...
A search tool helps dev to solve the naming things problem.
Search over projects from Github, Bitbucket, Google...
A browser extension to display ChatGPT response alongside Google (and other search engines) results
You've decided to build a SaaS app with the Open SaaS template. Great choice!
This template is:
Screenity is a powerful privacy-friendly screen recorder and annotation tool to make better videos for work, education, and more. You...
QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
### 1. Dejavu Intro
**dejavu** is the missing web UI for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch. Existing web UIs leave much to...
This repository contains a number of ready-to-run example projects demonstrating various use cases of Prisma. Pick an example and follow...
Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework. It is designed to make getting started quick and easy, with the ability...
Web app
FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python based on standard Python type hints.
The Electron framework lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It is based on Node.js and Chromium and...
Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Thanks for checking it out.
This repo contains questions and exercises on various technical topics, sometimes related to DevOps and SRE
📊 There are currently 2624 exercises...
第二版 | 第一版 | 安装和使用书中源代码: 第二版 第一版
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY...
Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
AutoGPT is a powerful tool that lets you create and run intelligent agents. These agents can perform various tasks automatically, making...
Have you ever wanted to build something but you had no idea what to do? Just...
Short code snippets for all your development needs
ImageGlass is a lightweight software designed for seamless viewing of images in a clean and intuitive interface. With support for...
dnSpyEx is an unofficial continuation of the dnSpy project which is a debugger and .NET assembly editor. You can use it...
Files is a modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders. Our mission with Files is to...
Dependency management
Fastfetch is a neofetch-like tool for fetching system information and displaying it prettily. It is written mainly in C, with...
Find the best cursor rules for your framework and language.
DevToys helps with daily development tasks by offering a bundle of tiny tools designed to do quick, specific tiny tasks....
Welcome to the official repo for C# language design. This is where new C# language features are developed, adopted and...
A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core. Clean Architecture is just the latest in a series of names for...
Dependencies is a rewrite of the legacy software Dependency Walker which was shipped along Windows SDKs, but whose development stopped around 2006. Dependencies can...
Bot Framework provides the most comprehensive experience for building conversation applications.
With the Bot Framework SDK, developers can build bots...
The Windows Calculator app is a modern Windows app written in C++ and C# that ships pre-installed with Windows. The...