All in one solution for exception for JSON REST APIs on Laravel and Lumen.
A speed-improved simplex noise algorithm for 2D in PHP.
An attempt to tame PHP constants for use as function/method flags
A simple object wrapper around native ftp_* functions.
紅陽皮路系統 PHP SDK
Symfony jwt auth bundle. Comes with refresh token enabled by default
Validation at it's best - variables, forms and files
axytos Kauf auf Rechnung Core package
Base command
Simple notification system based on top of Mercure
map data into typed objects
Provides additional fields for an entry in the Contao Monitoring system.
thinkphp extension
Laravel Ganadev Notification Service is a Laravel package that is used to help speed up the integration process between the...
HMAC authentication for Tokenly APIs
swow-cloud debugger
A powerful and easy-to-use PHP SDK for the OpenAI API, allowing seamless integration of advanced AI-powered features into your PHP...
Fixtures bundle
PHP SDK for OpenAi
Library for DSS system
Generate a new Laravel database seed file based on data from the existing database table.
This package was renamed to itsmind/sevdesk-php-sdk. Please use that package instead. To migrate, you only have to replace the dependency...
Helping Symfony live happily ever after on Heroku
Laravel Package for 微信用户身份获取
PHP SDK for OpenStack APIs. Supports BlockStorage, Compute, Identity, Images, Networking and Metric Gnocchi
PHP port of RobustPredicates, a fast robust predicates for computational geometry.
Base classes for axy packages unit testing
A form builder for php.
Package to create custom files that doesn't have default stub.
A simple library to validate aws sns webhook calls and map these calls to Laravel events.
Fast to type. Fast to run WordPress REST endpoints
Dynamic Admin Panel
A PHP library for interacting with Hetzner Cloud API
slug creator
A Laravel package that contains everything to write code without thinking about codestyle.
Simple Request Library
sdk for Bitrix24 REST api
Per-user settings repository system for Laravel forked from ricventu/larasettings
PDF Renderer
Laravel package for incidents
Minimal PHP framework
drag and drop menu generator for laravel 5...9
Initialisation library for logger from Launchpad framework
qtranslate-xt extended
PSR complaint dependency injectiion framework
Class for best seo head
Converts Vertabelo xml file into Propel schema.xml file
Board Symfony Console Helper
Analyzing and crawling the meta tags of a static website
Laravel package that handle the headache of the translation problem.
RiotAPI PHP Wrapper Metapackage
Generate Laravel Helper
PSR-6 compliant caching component
A SimplePush Laravel Notification Channel
ManticoreSearch Query Builder for your Laravel applications
Customise your Laravel entrypoint structure.
Unofficial PHP SDK for Untappd
Laravel channel
This is a grid layout plugin for Filament Admin
a simple package Format API responses throughout your Laravel application
The Makaroni PHP framework
Fetch stats for your NPM packages from npm registry
Laravel integration with Australia Post API
Campaign modules
This PSR-15 middleware provides full page caching for Mezzio applications.
This PSR-15 middleware adds an X-Generated-By UUID v5 to the Response header.
This PSR-15 middleware adds an X-Generated-At timestamp to the Response header.
Simple library for accessing PHP data structures with JSON Pointers (RFC 6901)
This is a plugin/package to use the file system from Octobercms to work on laravel. This plugin will be very...