A multi level dependent dropdown JQuery plugin that allows nested dependencies.
Widget that enables setting up dependent dropdowns with nested dependencies (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
Laravel driver for Nayra
Library to facilitate the use of rabbitmq within php based on the php-amqplib library, bringing an abstraction of its use...
Manage your All-Inkl account with the KAS API for PHP
Add custom fields to discussions, associate with primary tag
A blog module for AsgardCMS.
A Laravel Package to send emails with Microsoft Graph API.
howlongtobeat.com provides information about games and how long it will take to finish them. This library is a simple wrapper...
MVC de permissões para o template Gentelela
NextBox Neos url shortener
A `Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder` macro to easily search on multiple database columns.
A LaRecipe theme.
The helper class for Laravel (4/5) applications to get active class base on current route
This repository is a PHP Symfony flex bundles for ZGW Referentielijsten https://redocly.github.io/redoc/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VNG-Realisatie/VNG-referentielijsten/master/src/openapi.yaml\&nocors#section/Selectielijst
Librarian's built-in help command
a valorant api wrapper for php
An encapsulation respectful, PHP 7 compatible, of PhpToken
Removes link dependency tracking tabs from SilverStripe CMS data object fields.
A collection of icons for Silverstripe elemental
Librarian's built-in command to create new content
Librarian's built-in cache command
Librarian's web controllers
A public form for contact requests and a back office interface to manage them.
Laravel Queue for Windows
Barocert SDK for php7
Allows Versioned Orderable Rows In GridField
Provides user and programmatic mechanisms to refresh grid fields
Provides a mechanism to define extra data during GridField definition that will be passed to objects created via the grid...
Add new object to gridfield with many-many-through relation based on lookup selection.
Add new object to gridfield with has many relation based on lookup selection.
Use configuration to define security groups
Yii2 widget for Chart.js library.
HTTP Web Service Test runner implementation using PHP Programming language and configuration files written in YAML or JSON format
Define a map of search and replacement strings, which are transformed when pasting content into the rich-text editor
A utility field to insert spacing between your Matrix blocks
PHP library to parse Markdown-formatted change log files.
Get insights in your laravel applications key business values with metrics visualized as livewire cards.
Rich text editor for input fields.
D3 Payment Systems
The official CrowdSec standalone bouncer for PHP websites
Callback argument resolver interface and implementations.
This library reads/writes flat array data from/to key=value format compatible with .ini and .env files.
Helpers for symfony development : constants dictionary, helpers, etc.
Autodesk Platform Services (Forge) OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
PHP Mapping and ReadOnly Dto with Attributes
Laravel FIB Integration
EDD license integration library for WordPress plugins
Addresses is a polymorphic Laravel package, for addressbook management. Adding addresses to any Eloquent model was never this easy.
Laravel package to query SphinxSearch
A fork of the official AWeber API client library.
Kirby Block Preview Fields
This package implements some blade directives not part of Laravel core package
CUPS Implementation of IPP - PHP Client API
Ahoy! - A package to implement page blocks into Voyager
Create an OTP process easily for Laravel.
Simple PHP router class.
Extension for processing outcome surveys
HTTP request validator for PHP
Internal tools for the Craft CMS control panel.
A package to easily make use of Tabler icons in your Laravel Blade views.
Implements a PHP client for the Seq (by Datalust) HTTP ingestion API
Laravel wrapper for ApexCharts javascript plugin advanced features with livewire
Unlock the power of EasyPaisa Payment Gateway in Laravel 9 and Laravel 10. Accept payments seamlessly and securely, empowering your...