Task & Boards module for neatlancer
i18n translation editor for Silverstripe
Laravel'de çalışan HTML etiketi olan 'img' etiketinin oluşturulması ve jpg,png vs. resim formatlarının webp formatına dönüştüren bir kütüphanedir.
Peticiones HTTP con registro en base de datos, jobs, comandos para pruning, ...
Utility classes for colored logs in Beat projects.
Asdoria Pickup point plugin for Sylius
Alibaba Cloud linkedmall (20230930) SDK Library for PHP
PHP Cron Job Scheduler
polls extension for Contao Open Source CMS
PHP Wrapper for Purwantara API.
Tooltip JS package for Bear Framework
Brings RSS and Atom feeds to Flarum
基于https://github.com/lionsoul2014/ip2region 离线IP地址定位库
Provides metadata and canvas information for IIIF Presentation API manifests in Drupal.
Symfony bundle for easy integration with elastic/opensearch search engine and doctrine
GSALES 3 REST PHP Client Library using PSR-17 and PSR-18
Testing helpers for Symfony / PhpUnit
Modified Magento 2 coding standard
Fix your files indent based on .editorconfig
Generate a Serial Number of alphanumeric 16 random chars in PHP.
A simple Media plugin for PixlCMS
A plugin for Kirby CMS to add modification timestamps to css and js files
WHMCS Stubs for your IDE
Dependency Graph Resolver in PHP
Easily add and manage database relationships in CodeIgniter 4
The helper class for Laravel applications to get active class base on current route
Package Laravel yang berisi data Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota, Kecamatan, dan Keluarahan/Desa di seluruh Indonesia. clone from laravolt/indonesia
PHP video manager
A small PSR-18 bridge for react browser
PayPal's PHP SDK for REST APIs
A Proxmox VE API v2 client with symfony
Create service and repository migration model controller files
A lightweight client for consuming and manipulating Hypertext Application Language (HAL) resources.
Integração com a API 3.0 da Cielo
Biblioteca para resolver dependencias de classes
A full-featured implementation of the MailCow API
The debugger extension for the Yii framework
Use backend user groups as switchable roles
Generate easily metrics and trends data of your models for your dashboards.
PHP Client for Elasticsearch serverless
OAuth2 provider for the Symfony Security component
Attribute for cache
�� wrapps data from post and get into an object
Demo Version of Isotope eCommerce
Service generator for Laravel.
Package for working with Microsoft Graph API
The PHP SDK of 51Tracking API
Php client for Parapos API
Add only modified files to the staging area
A lightweight, fast, and optimized XML file splitter with build in tag data validation, written with the XMLParser library. The...
hexin library for php projects
A simple pager class with delta management
Laravel WebDAV| Nextcloud Filesystem
A PHP library to interact with the ComplySci API.
A LibreNMS plugin package that shows the difference between lists of vlans on devices or ports
Verwendet flexImages als Galerie.
Library Andri Sunardi
Sprinque Payments module
Simple frontend dates select field for Contao Open Source CMS forms
rabbitmq async(workerman) and sync Client, Producer, Consumer
Universal Payment Library
iranian online payment gateways
Laravel Cloudflare-Tunnels Ready Production Docker-Compose
Not ready for public use. domos/schema is the reference implementation of the domos real estate data schema written in PHP.
Simple Amqp-Monitor for configured Queues
FSNews Engine NViews collector
aaron-dev/xhprof-webman is a code performance analysis plugin that is compatible with webman. Mainly optimize and adjust the old and unusable...
Selectel Cloud Storage API
Shopify PHP SDK to interact with the Shopify API.
This plugin allows you to integrate Schubwerk server-side tracking into your website.
PHP ICMP/Ping Network Client
idna-convert library based on http://idnaconv.phlymail.de/
The Mikenopa docker imager