A dedicated Laravel-PHP library crafted exclusively for seamless integration with the SAP Business One Service Layer API.
Tool for managing events and logs. Collect, transform, stash with inputs, filters and outputs
Use Pr0gramm API
Biblioteca de integração com a Safrapay
Laravel Model Revision
Extends BE-login with email code verification
TencentCloudApi php sdk mall
Localizations package for AdminKit
A fluent keyboard created for MTProto syntax
Object Relationship Mapping
OutlineVPN api manager for PHP projects
Triangle Console Component
Field for selecting YouTube videos. Takes various URL formats as input and stores the YouTube ID.
A PHP Class for Interacting with Sirv REST API
Extension for data-exchange via SOAP
An enhancement to the virtual block selector. Filter by block type.
Password resets implementation for drewlabs auth library
Interfaces and Contracts for drewlabs/passwords library
Integração da PagHiper para Laravel.
PHP implementation of Plaid's API as an SDK.
PHP Payment Gateway Tripay Library
Provides support for PSR-6 compatible cache for Yii1 application
Laravel Admin made with Helium UI
MoritaBox SMTP Server
Console abstraction layer, part of Vecode Caldera
TencentCloudApi php sdk iss
Omnipay extension for Parampos
Validation library
Token, JWT, Hash and more by sopheos
Request / Response library
cron by sopheos
Helper package
Exporte toutes vos routes nommées BlitzPHP et fournit une fonction route() en JavaScript. Inspiré de tightenco/ziggy
Provides support for tag aware cache for Yii1 application
Handle Stripe webhooks in a Laravel application with support of Cycle-ORM.
Package generated from https://e-station.cargonet.software/dpd-eprintwebservice/eprintwebservice.asmx?WSDL
Omnipay extension for Ptt Akıllı Esnaf Sanal POS
Obviously, a Markdown parser.
Bootstrap UI components with aggressive defaults
Async/coroutine amphp mysql eloquent adapter.
This is my package dashed-pages
chatgpt-private-server development api package
this plugin allows the definition of additional categories for filtering events in eventlist frontend modules
Util to create download archive.
CMS integration of the assets module
Mutex library for exclusive code execution.
Laravel package for sending mail via the Pendable API
auth by phone sms once code
This is my package filament-ternary-icon
kaadon think-addons for ThinkPhp5.*
This package extend socialize functionality for SSO Wia
A simple way to create html tags with php.
cookie consent for pimcore
SEO Helper is a framework agnostic package that provides tools & helpers for SEO (Laravel supported).
Spreadsheet reader library for Excel, OpenOffice and structured text files
Handling errors
This is a Laravel expansion for the wechat Push.
A simple PHP class for reading configuration values from JSON files
Electric theme for the CMS application of the Ride framework
SyslogTarget writes log to syslog.
Permalink routing system for Laravel. Advanced database driven routes. Handle your permalinks + SEO parameters directly from database.
Lightweight QR code generator
WCAG Website Accessibility Widget improves website ADA compliance and browser experience for ADA, WCAG 2.1 & 2.2, Section 508, Australian...
Yii2 Douyin SDK
Yii2 AES Encrypt&&Decrypt
Fastwhale SCRM System Yii2 wechat SDKThis sdk must used in fastwhale scrm system
Form Builder Package
JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel and Lumen
Global CLI for managing sites using Consolidation Site Aliases.
IORYS Run script
Watchlist module for loger