Console Commands to easily transfer live data (database + files) to another environment
Front Matter parser for PHP, with support for YAML, JSON and TOML.
A lightweight Symfony console integration extension for Nette framework.
xhprof panel for Yii2 debug module
Add signature to all s3 URLs.
Allows you to compile C, C++, Java programs on your browser!
Plain text song parser and chord transposer
A simple object orientated way to interact with the API
Facebook page api bundle for Symfony 2
Wrapper for pid/speakingurl
AtInternet authentification in server-to-server interactions with atinternet api analytics
PHP wrapper for the dolibarr API
Light PHP wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol (based on OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol draft-ietf-oauth-v2-15)
Use the CM Pay service with Laravel
Bootstrap Grid Sort Column Widget for Yii2
Laravel integration of the icepay api
Add a hash or slug to any DataObject in Silverstripe
Entropy provider library for PHP
Helper Utils Lokitold
Exports WP_Query's query variables to front-end as JSON
Get distance between two points of interest.
Integrates Bootstrap and Html Forms with enhanced functionalities
Advent of Code puzzle solutions wrapped in a PHP7 CLI app
a simple php templates parser
Checks whether an author of product review already bought the product.
This is our first package for some outsider functions
Personalised products module for Magento 2 using PredictionIO Machine Learning
A Bootstrap theme for Drupal 8
Endpoint handler for Fine Uploader S3's server requests.
Simplify the use of a debugging tool in your IDE by automatically setting/removing cookies.
A loop library for PHP.
PHP code standard for the Athens Framework.
Plato's Sections module for the base installer
Driver allowing the SilverStripe-Regional module to pull data from Maxmind using Net_GeoIP
A Laravel Service Provider push user behavior log to Aws sqs then insert into elasticsearch
Laravel Orientdb Driver
Symfony2 application to play with PayumBundle.
Eloquent ORM integration from Laravel for Objective PHP
free as in freedom simple object oriented curl request and response component (YACC - yet another curl component)
A basic Frequently Asked Questions package with categories
Scraper is a multi-threaded CURL wrapper for Laravel 5 that is a highly efficient web scraper.
Puppy bark
Adds different webservices functions to the Elgg (REST) API
Very Simple Model/SQL Buidler and Config Libray
Evaluate string expressions in PHP without eval() function - laravel package
Aspose Imaging Java Examples for PHP Developers. Helps you understand how to use Aspose.Imaging Java classes in your PHP Projects.
Friendly breadcrumbs for Symfony applications.
Notification module
Payment Payline SDKPHP V4 to Laravel 5.1
Simple database migration command for Nette
middleware implementation
Minimalistic library for collecting metrics during script execution
Extension to add class support to mce-table-buttons plugin
Test suite that validates whether a container is compatible with definition-interop.
psr-7 implementation
Shows information about a link when it is posted in a channel
Configuration provider for WildPHP
PHP wrapper for the API
IRC connection provider for WildPHP
Xvfb wrapper for PHP
Include like and share facebook button.
Html2pdf' with Composer support. (Fixed composer dependency problem)
A Symfony2 bundle for working with the payment gateway.
Parse YAML metadata from a markdown document
Cryptographically secure encoded tokens
Library that will be used to connect to OpenPay Payment Gateway
Automated SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt
PHP Function Wrappers for unit testing
HTTP-based client for Consul service discovery
The fastest MongoDB object document mapper.
DEPRECATED in favour of hiqdev/hidev-hiqdev
Elegant and easy to use footnotes for WordPress. Based on John Watson fd-footnotes plugin