Event Interfaces from Symfony Event Dispatcher Component
SilverStripe Profileable Module
A library to split results into multiple pages
laravel 5.x theme
Persistent settings for ARCANESOFT CMS.
Drop in blog, docs, tagging solution for Laravel
Zuora SOAP API for PHP
HiDev plugin for Box PHAR builder
Simple wizard for a controller with validation methods
Simple and flexible PHP7 MVC Framework
Small package for copy files from host to your local computer. Work in Linux and Windows
A better way to build modern CodeIgniter Applications.
Currency rates api clients lib
Common week and year functions for stat bots
Avenue - A lightweight MVC framework for quick PHP web development and prototyping
SugiPHP Cache Component
Detect robots and crawlers.
Scabbia2 Yaml Component
Scabbia2 Tasks Component
Scabbia2 Scanners Component
Scabbia2 Router Component
Scabbia2 LightStack Component
Scabbia2 Helpers Component
Scabbia PHP Framework (1.x branch)
The PHP Library to build interoperable learning tools
Scabbia2 Config Component
PHP package for encrypted and decrypting files
A replacement for FOSRestBundle ParamFetcher
Sauce is a general purpose library providing containers and functions that ease development in PHP.
Generate a file to help IDE's like PHPStorm, NetBeans, or Sublime Text with code completion for Laravel's static facades
Yii2 Web Font Loader Wrapper
A simple abstraction image handlers, currently using the IMagick extension.
PHP Digest auth library
HTTPlug-conformant file_get_contents HTTP client
PHP library to send SMS messages via different gateways
A connector bundle for API requests
rbac module
Wrapper for Linode API using Guzzle (forked and updated for spark)
Zf2 Integration for watson
This bundle of symfony2
Symfony2 SfsAdminBundle
RELIGIS utility classes.
Configure routes with simple YAML files
wxpay lib
Provides an object-oriented interface to the Akismet REST API. The Akismet API is used to detect and to filter spam.
PHP Framework für JsonRPC 2 APIs mit Zend Framework 2
Laravel stateful authentication service provider.
Reddit API Wrapper for Laravel
The purpose of this module is to create a simple, zero configuration static pages module for Zend Framework 2
Adds webcam capture and entering URLs as options to change avatars.
Provides several APIs for the WildPHP platform
For when policy or paranoia prevent you from leaving sensitive cache entries unencrypted at rest.
array into xml in two way
cURL extension with RESTful support for Yii2
Yii2 ReturnUrl filter
Implements XOXCO Tag Inputs for Elgg tag entry
Person as a humanoid entity for Drd+
A dropin replacement for the removed mysql_* functions in php7. Backward compatibility for deprecated mysql functions.
Library for generating Magento modules
Profanity detection lib, updated to work with symfony/yaml 3.* -- Original package: swearjar/swearjar by @raymondjavaxx
This package provides a command-line tool to glob and minify static resources for a website using silverorange's Site package. Files...
This Bundle provide REPL shell in application context for symfony console
E-mail Tracking Library on PHP
Jade Template Engine Plugin for CakePHP 3
Artisan for the web. Execute Artisan command on a webpage.
Library for reccuring events
Laravel 5 CRUD Generator
A Laravel Package to integrate elFinder 2
BitBucket web hook for commenting commit messages into Trello cards.
Behavior for automate the update of username or user reference fields on your Entities.