Laravel Wechat payment library.
This package provides session tracking functionalities, multisession management and user device management features for laravel applications.
一个PHP版中国阴历转换工具,用于将阳历日期转换为中国阴历日期。(支持 Composer)
The "Symfony Edition" distribution for REST API
Simple parser for ical files.
Laravel Package to create a dynamic image handler
A MongoDB object document mapper for PHP
Zend Framework 3 module with a couple of useful view helper
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay API in your PHP projects. Added psr-4 namespacing on library created by...
Symfony2 Social Login by Sandip Patel
A package which provides a simple boilerplate for laravel 5
Composer package that can download images from a remote to the server
Library to export data in various input formats to various output formats.
Example app for shunter
API Authentication Functionalities module core component
This plugin adds the header to WordPress sites
Belajar PHP dari dasar disertai dengan bootstrap dan jQuery
Object-oriented IMAP for PHP - altered for BabylonParters
A simple PHP library for calculating cricket statistics such as batting average, bowling average and bowling economy. Can also convert...
Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code.
Base class for special error/exception management.
Searchmetrics API v3 integration
A small util for deploying WordPress installations via ftp. Only fast.
Cnam Aquitaine Framework
A minimal series-cli app that syncs series and episodes from TVMaze to a database aimed to make a unified sort
The common components use in web application
Stack atoms and molecules faster by using named atoms and structure arrays.
MVC module for PPI2
More advanced login script with more features
一个PHP写的基于Web API的中文分词工具。
A skeleton for building composer based library
FinderFacade is a convenience wrapper for Symfony's Finder component.
This is a tool that improves cutting images in eZ Publish
An enhanced FileInput widget for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with features for file preview for many file types, multiple selection,...
Provider for the Spot2 orm (vlucas/spot2)
Zend Framework 3 module with a couple of useful filter
Resource locator
This package provides a easy way to access RongCloud API.
A Chartbeat module for Zend Framework 2
A set of interfaces & classes for creating domain driven projects.
Docker environment for Roots Bedrock projects
Multi document parser with metadata support.
Rudimentary access to Git repos in native PHP
Composer asset installer for the wCMF web application framework
CDN Purge Control SDK for PHP - Lightweight PHP library to control multiple CDN edge cache.
Util Wrapper
Helper for creating forms in laravel
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter for Zend 1
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter for Sencha ExtJS3 and ExtJS4
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter for Sequelize
Melody component
Silverstripe module to allow simple device detection using WURFL Cloud service
PNotify widget for Yii2
Auto deployment module for Zend Framework 2
A cache library that is implmeneted from PSR-6
A RESTful API framework
WordPress Plugin extends Timber WP plugin with clearing cache functionality.
An extension that allows for the definition of relationships to determine permssions through
Carbon wrapper for easy timezone functionality in Laravel.
This package keeps activities for various actions
Meta data framework for Laravel's eloquent models.
Shows the birthdays of your community users.
A Laravel package to use the Pipedrive API
A geolocation field for Contao.
Templating for Canvas course objects
symfony2 bundle with collection form type extension
XACML Bundle
Plain Old Php Object Factory for fixture generation.
PSR-7 Validation middleware for zend-expressive
A Behat Context for handling test failures