Aggregate Minitest assertions
Create and use aggregate columns in Rails applications
aggregateGithubCommits 3.20200806 Aggregate Github commit count by author and time. ...
Event sourced aggregate root implementation for RubyEventStore
A ruby gem for writing CQRS applications
Combine messages from multiple Eventide streams into an aggregate stream
aggregatori capaci sdk tracking The AggregatoriCapaci sdk sos is a Flutter package to integrate location-based garage finder...
aggrepay flutter Aggrepay Flutter # Flutter plugin for Aggrepay SDK, Getting Started...
Distributed in-memory event-store.
Easy and performant aggregation for rails
Add additional variant scale prices
Laravel+livewire phone auth module
Show a popup when users visit your page
Assertions on object properties for PHPUnit-based tests
This is not even remotely finished or even started on. Please don't download.
aghasher 0.1.1 aghasher An implementation of the Anchor Graph Hashing algorithm (AGH-1), presented in Hashing with...
This is a fork of ruby-agi version 1.1.2 by Mohammad Khan.
ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and convention-driven manner.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-prone, more explicit, and all-around easier to...
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails,
providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and...
It can convert chinese to pinyin
Write a longer description. Optional.
This is a plugin/package to use the file system from Octobercms to work on laravel. This plugin will be very...
agify 0.2.0 Asynchronous Python wrapper for (, , ) A simple API for predicting the age,...
another Github IRC Gateway
Rapid development that uses Caching
Google Analytics for Agile Toolkit
agileanalytics 0.15.2 # jira-agile-extractor[]([]([]( data about items from JIRA, output raw data and...
Easily let Integrity tweet after each build
Fork of comma with support for nested rows
Easy check in
Command line instrument for agile. Our git repo
AgileCLU 0.4.2 # AgileCLU #AgileCLU is a command line implementation of Limelight Networks Agile Storage cloud platform....
Ruby wrapper for Agile CRM API.
AgileDiamond 0.1.1 Agile-Diamond helps initiate and manage a software development project. Overview Agile-Diamond...
PHP check domain.
Small DSL for writing IRC bots.
Userland driver for USB Agile Lamp
agile_notifier alerts you via making wonderful noises when your Continuous Integration status changes. It totally makes software development more agile...
agilepoint 1.0.0 TODO: Create script to regenerate code Examples Basic Usage: from...
An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an integration test suite with clients for...
DotEnv Editor Library for Laravel
Guest user library for Laravel
A fork of serializer_with_options enabling deep serializer and other features
A Ruby wrapper for Chef::Application::Solo through HTTP
AgileWeixin is weixin development package
youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy way to access the latest...
Ruby wrapper for the AgileZen API
agility redux agility_redux # Agility Redux 是一款模块化,可插拔的 Redux 状态管理库。 支持多业务模块,模块间解耦。 模块可插拔。...
agility redux bloc agility_redux # Agility Redux 是一款模块化,可插拔的 Redux 状态管理库。 支持多业务模块,模块间解耦。 模块可插拔。
agility redux generator A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/,...
agility redux widget agility_redux # Agility Redux 是一款模块化,可插拔的 Redux 状态管理库。 支持多业务模块,模块间解耦。 模块可插拔。
Agilize 0.0.10 Agilize Unofficial client to access Agilize. Installation pip...
agilkia 0.8.0 Agilkia: A Python Toolkit to Support AI-for-Testing This toolkit is intended to make it...
Form Builder Package
Package for checking update for digilara project.
Olympus Hera is a bundle used to render all components views through the TWIG template engine.