agipack 0.3.0 📦 agi-pack A Dockerfile builder for Machine Learning developers. ...
PHP lib of different utility interfaces/classes
Simple facade+service provider package for internal use
agixtsdk AGiXT SDK for Dart # ...
aglink 1.56 aglink Generator Links Installing Install and update using pip_: .. code-block::...
aglitetest 0.7.0b20230314 AutoML for Image, Text, Time Series, and Tabular Data
aglitetest.common 0.7.0b20230314 AutoML for Image, Text, Time Series, and Tabular Data
aglitetest.core 0.7.0b20230314 AutoML for Image, Text, Time Series, and Tabular Data
aglitetest.features 0.7.0b20230314 AutoML for Image, Text, Time Series, and Tabular Data
aglitetest.tabular 0.7.0b20230314 AutoML for Image, Text, Time Series, and Tabular Data
agllama2apis 0.0.20 long_description
agllama2hubs 0.0.21 long_description
agllamaapis 0.0.12 long_description
agllamahub 0.0.10 long_description
agl passcode Flutter - Passcode Screen # One stop Package which will provide Set Passcode, Verify...
Aglyph 3.0.0.post1 Aglyph - Dependency Injection for Python ...
agml 0.6.1 👨🏿💻👩🏽💻🌈🪴 Want to join the AI Institute for Food Systems team and help lead AgML...
agmsg 1.0.5 UNKNOWN
agnext common library flutter Agnext Common library for reusable various widgets and functions Features #...
Laravel Bitstamp API client
agnosticfilestore 0.5.4 AFS - Agnostic File Storage Goals and motivations The purpose of this module...
agogosml 0.1.3 This project includes the library for Agogosml. Please refer to the overall documentation:
agogosmlcli 0.1.2 This project includes the CLI for Agogosml. Please refer to the overall documentation:
agokufastapi 1.0.0 个人封装的库
agones Agones # Agones is a library for hosting, running and scaling dedicated game...
agora 1.2.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
agora chat callkit Get Started with Agora Chat CallKit for Flutter # agora_chat_callkit is a video...
agora chat sdk Get Started with Agora Chat # Instant messaging connects people wherever they are...
agora chat uikit Get Started with Chat UIKit for Flutter # Overview # Instant messaging...
agora class agora_class # 声网SDK 灵动课堂插件 # Getting Started # 声网SDK 灵动课堂插件,本插件目前仅实现了iOS平台。
agoracpplint 1.6.1 cpplint - static code checker for C++
Drupal Installation Profile for agoradesign KG dist. Install with commonly used features pre-configured and some very important third party modules.
Gumby2 Framework in Laravel 4
Agoradesign Drupal Location Module.
Agoradesign Drupal 8 Menu Module.
A module for extended widget options in Magento 1.
Agoradesign Drupal 8 News Module.
Provides the employee entity and additional logic around team pages.
Just JavaScript - gulp code
Adds freebie feature to Drupal Commerce.
agora flutter webrtc Agora_Flutter_WebRTC # Agora Flutter WebRTC is a real-time audio/video plugin based on Flutter...
agora fpa service agora_fpa_service # Flutter plugin to integrate Agora FPA service into your app with...
agorarestclient 0.2.0 See detailed information in agora-rest-client-python.
agora rtc agora_rtc and fumanger # FUManager # FUManager -faceunity管理工具 使用前必须 buildFaceUnity FUConfig -美颜参数配置
agora rtc engine agora_rtc_engine #
agora rtc rawdata agora_rtc_rawdata # The rawdata plugin for agora_rtc_engine. Important # The plugin...
agora rtm AgoraRtm # This Flutter plugin is a wapper for Agora RTM SDK.
agora rtm nic flutter_agora_rtm_1_4_1 # agora flutter plugin with sdk 1.4.1
agoras 1.1.3 A command line python utility to manage your social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram)
agora screen share agora_screen_share # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
agora token service Agora Token Service for Dart # This...
agora uikit Agora VideoUIKit for Flutter #
AgoraVoting API wrapper in Ruby
Create Excel sheet directly from database table rows
Gem for testing above the fold render on the first tcp round trip.
agox 3.8.0 Atomistic Global Optimization X (AGOX) AGOX is a package for global optimization...
Laravel plugin that helps authenticate with the auth0 service
The sandbox is a pre-packaged Nette & Netlte Framework project, basic configured structure for your application.
ag prompter cli ag_prompter_cli # It is A Package to create CLI wizard in Easy way
This specify the date and time in the cron format.