Ruby Gem for Aircall
aircot 3.0.0 Classify aircraft in TAK AirCOT is software for classifying aircraft within the Team Awareness...
More to come...
aircraft 0.6.1 Aircraft A collection of pyinfra packaged deploys that can be used to declaratively...
Rails engine for adding aviation related models and data to your web application
Cool jQuery datepicker for the Rails asset pipeline
air design air_design # A new air design Flutter package. Getting Started # This...
Rdio wireless for your whole office
A loose web framework
Use OpenAI's ChatGPT to automate converting Rails RSpec tests to minitest (ActiveSupport::TestCase).
Automatically download, archive, switch AIR SDK for flash builder on mac.
Airesis contains only English as default language. This gem contains all the other languages.
My first gem
airex flutter plugin airex_flutter_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
Edit langing pages in particular for Solidus ecommerce system
An AirPlay friendly web interface to stream your movies and TV shows from a home server.
Workflow orchestration
airflowbootstraputils 0.2.0 Airflow Bootstrap Utils Collection of Python tools to generate Airflow DAGs from control and...
airflowcdk 0.6.0 airflow-cdk This project makes it simple to deploy airflow via ECS fargate using the...
airflowctl 0.2.10 airflowctl airflowctl...
airflowdagartifact 0.2.1 Welcome to airflow_dag_artifact Documentation A lot of serverless AWS Service supports versioning and alias...
airflowdaggenerator 0.0.2 What is AirflowDAGGenerator? Dynamically generates Python Airflow DAG file based on given Jinja2...
airflowdbt 0.4.0 airflow-dbt This is a collection of Airflow operators to provide easy integration with dbt.
airflowdbtcta 0.0.10 airflow-dbt NOTE: this repository was forked from in order to release an updated...
airflowdbtdinigo 0.5.10 airflow-dbt This is a collection of Airflow operators to provide easy integration with dbt.
airflowdbtwinwin 0.5.11 airflow-dbt This is a collection of Airflow operators to provide easy integration with dbt.
airflowfs 0.1.0 airflow-fs airflow-fs is Python package that provides hooks and operators...
airflowhopplugin 0.1.0b5 Hop Airflow plugin This is an Apache Hop plugin for Apache Airflow in order...
airflowhopplugincustom 0.0.1 Hop Airflow plugin This is an Apache Hop plugin for Apache Airflow in order...
airflowindexima 2.2.1 airflow-indexima Versions following Semantic Versioning Overview...
airflowinstaller 0.1.0 Airflow Installer A command-line tool to simplify the installation of...
airflowpentahoplugin 1.2.0 Pentaho Airflow plugin This plugins runs...
airflowplugins 0.1.3 Airflow Plugins Airflow plugins. Free software: MIT license...
airflowproviderfirebolt 0.4.1 Firebolt Provider for Apache Airflow This is the...
airflowproviderskypilot 0.1.3 Apache Airflow Provider for SkyPilot A provider you can utilize...
airflowprovidertoloka 0.0.8 Airflow Toloka Provider This library allows you to run crowdsourcing...
airflowrestapi 0.0.0 AIRFLOW-REST-API Async wrapper for Airflow REST API. See more in documentation INSTALL...
airflowsupporter 1.0.0 airflow_supporter airflow_supporter provide services to supporter to manage Apache Airflow Usage
Enough structure to get our Lambda handlers in the air
A lightweight Ruby library for building REST clients
airhttprunner 3.1.6 HttpRunner
airia box 开发过程中 积累的感觉不错一些功能代码 可以在不同项目之间共享 免去了每次创建项目都需要复制过来的步骤
airkiss dart airkiss_dart[nullsafety] # A dart wechat airkiss lib to config IOT device from...
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Authentication engine.
airlock 0.0.13 # airlock Airlock is a lightweight, web-security-concious wrapper for webapp2 on Google App...
Simple client for fetching information from
Incoming Email Router
airmailer 0.2.2 0.2.0 (2023-06-06) X-SES-MESSAGE-TAGS header is now added to the email if the...
End-of-life, please use airrecord instead
This gem is for use with teh Monitor My Air app.
airoute Airoute | 爱路由 # English...
To parse air.
airpay Airpay Example # Shows how to use the Airpay plugin. Getting Started #...
airpay emar package Airpay EMAR SDK Package # Airpay EMAR Flutter plugin for payment integeration with...
airpay example Airpay Example # Shows how to use the Airpay plugin. Getting Started #
airpay flutter package ___# Airpay Flutter Airpay Flutter plugin for payment integeration. Usage #...
airpay package Airpay Flutter # Airpay Flutter plugin for payment integeration. Usage # Add...
airphin 0.0.13 Airphin
airplane 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
airplane mode checker AirplaneModeChecker # A Flutter plugin allows you to check...
airplane mode detection airplane_mode_detection # A Flutter Plugin for Detecting the Airplane Mode in...
Send image/video to an airplay enabled device
Send pics and videos using the terminal
Command-line AirPlay video client for Apple TV
This is a fast and easy-to-use library which makes it easy to make queries to the Air Pollution API. It...
Detect and log changes in WiFi network associations on MacOS. Utilizing the official, but hidden 'airport' command.
airportinfo AirportInfo # Library for retrieving data from the Airport Info API by Active...
Script to change your Airport's MAC address
Access data on airports from around the world
A gem for extracting airport codes from text
API client for the FAA Airport Status API