aiopenchat 1.1.8 Download: Chat Example #1 Chat: import asyncio
aiopg 1.4.0 aiopg is a library for accessing a PostgreSQL database from the asyncio (PEP-3156/tulip) framework....
aiopglisten 0.0.7 aiopg-listen This library simplifies usage of listen/notify with aiopg: Handles lost...
aiophotoprism 0.2.0 aiophotoprism Asynchronous Python client for the Photoprism Warning: Photoprism API is not stable...
aiopika 9.4.3 aio-pika
aiopikarpc 1.2.0 aio-pika-msgpack-rpc aio-pika msgpack RPC
aiopinboard 2024.1.0 📌 aiopinboard: A Python 3 Library for Pinboard ...
aiopipe 0.1.1 AIO-PIPE========.. image:: :target: :alt: Travis CI.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest Version.....
aiopipe 0.2.2 aiopipe -- Multiprocess communication pipes for asyncio This package wraps...
aioprocessing 2.0.1 aioprocessing aioprocessing provides asynchronous, asyncio compatible, coroutine versions of many blocking...
aioprometheus 23.12.0 aioprometheus is a Prometheus Python client library for asyncio-based applications. It provides metrics collection...
aiopubsub 3.0.0 Simple publish-subscribe pattern for asyncio applications. Why When building big applications,...
aiopubsubpy3 1.0.9 aio_pubsub ######## 安装 ========== .. code-block:: shell
aiopyarr 23.4.0 aiopyarr Python API client for Lidarr/Radarr/Readarr/Sonarr.
aiopygismeteo 6.1.0 aiopygismeteo Асинхронная обёртка для Gismeteo API. Синхронная версия здесь.
aiopywttr 2.3.0 aiopywttr Asynchronous wrapper for weather API. Synchronous version...
aioqbt 0.7.1 aioqbt Python library for qBittorrent WebAPI with asyncio. Features:
aioqsw 0.4.1 aioqsw Python library to control QNAP QSW devices.
aioqzone 1.8.6.dev1 aioqzone aioqzone封装了一些Qzone接口。 English | 简体中文
aiorazemax 0.0.1 Aiorazemax ✉️ Async communications using AWS SNS + SQS for Python services...
aiorchestraasyncsshplugin 0.1.2 AsyncIO-with-UVLoop TOSCA orchestrator OpenStack plugin
aiorchestraopenstackplugin 0.1.3 AsyncIO-with-UVLoop TOSCA orchestrator OpenStack plugin
aiordr 0.3.0 Simple and fast asynchronous library for the o!rdr API. Features
aioredis 2.0.1 aioredis asyncio (3156) Redis client library. The library is intended to provide simple...
aiorediscluster 2.7.0 aioredis_cluster Redis Cluster support for aioredis (support only v1.x.x). Many implementation...
aioredis fastapi 1.0.1 aioredis_fastapi is an asynchronous redis based session backend for FastAPI powered applications. 🚸This...
aioredisratelimiter 0.1.0 aioredis-rate-limiter Rate limiter implements on Redis Implementation of distributed rate limiter...
aioredisrpc 1.1.0 aioredis-rpc A...
aiorequest 0.1.30 aio-request This library simplifies an interaction between microservices: Allows sending requests...
aiorequest 0.1.31 aio-request This library simplifies an interaction between microservices: Allows sending requests...
aiorequestful 1.0.2 aiorequestful
aioresponses 0.7.6 Aioresponses is a helper to mock/fake web requests in python aiohttp package. For requests...
aiorestclient 0.2.2 AIOREST Client A helper to call...
aiormq 6.8.0 aiormq is a pure python AMQP client library. Table of contents...
aiorsmq 0.1.2 aiorsmq This is the repository for...
aiorun 2024.8.1 Table of Contents 🏃 aiorun 🤔 Why? 🖥️...
aiosabnzbd 0.1.0 aiosabnzbd
aioschedule 0.5.2 Python job scheduling for humans. Forked and modified from An in-process scheduler for...
aioschluter 0.1.9 Schluter API Python wrapper An async Python wrapper for the Schluter-DITRA-E-WIFI Wi-Fi Themostat...
aioscpy 0.3.12 Aioscpy An asyncio + aiolibs crawler imitate scrapy framework English | 中文...
aioscrapy 0.2.0 Python async library for web scraping ...
aio send dir 0.1.2 aio_send_dir github Для чего Например, надо отправить coverage отчет после...
aioshumway 1.0.1 DEPRECATED
aioshutil 1.5 aioshutil: Asynchronous shutil module. Introduction aioshutil is a Python library which...
aiosignal 1.3.1 Introduction A project to manage callbacks in asyncio projects. Signal is a list...
aioslurm 0.1.0 aioslurm Documentation: Development environment Docker (compose) is used both...
aiosmartpost 0.3.3 aiosmartpost - Itella SmartPost API wrapper for humans 📦 WORK IN PROGRESS! NOT READY...
aiosmtplib 3.0.2 aiosmtplib is an asynchronous SMTP client for use with asyncio. For documentation, see Read...
aiosnmp 0.7.2 aiosnmp is an asynchronous SNMP client for use with asyncio. Installation...
aiosock 1.0.6 aiosock -- Multiprocess communication sockets for asyncio This package wraps the socket lib, so...
aiosolaredge 0.2.0 Asyncio SolarEdge ...
aiosoma 1.1.25 Asynchronous SOMA Connect library ...
aiosonic 0.21.0 aiosonic - lightweight Python asyncio http client Very fast, lightweight Python asyncio http client
aiospread 1.0.0 {index} License MIT
aiosqlembic 0.3.12 Aiosqlembic, migrations welcome ! Readme Aiosqlembic aims...
aiosqs 1.0.5 aiosqs Python asynchronous and lightweight SQS client. The goal of this library...
aiostd 0.0.1 aiostd A simple library for asynchronous communication with standard I/O The library employs...
aiosteamist 1.0.0 Async Steamist ...
aiosteampy 0.6.2 AIOSTEAMPY
aiosteampy 0.6.3 AIOSTEAMPY
aiostomp 1.7.3 Aiostomp Simple asyncio stomp 1.1 client for python 3.6. Heavely inspired on torstomp.
aiostratumproxy 1.1 **`aiostratum_proxy`** is a Stratum Protocol proxy (ie cryptocurrency/mining) built using Python3. It was built to... 0.0.2 Stream utils for aiohttp and aiofiles.
aiosu 2.3.1 Simple and fast asynchronous osu! API v1 and v2 library with various utilities.
aio.subprocess 0.0.4 Subprocess utils for asyncio.
aioswitchbee 0.1.0 pySwitchbee A Python module library to control SwitchBee smart home devices. ...
aioswitcher 4.0.3 Switcher Python Integration PyPi module integrating with various Switcher devices. Check...
aiosyncthing 0.6.3 aiosyncthing Asynchronous Python client for the Syncthing REST API. Inspired by...
aiotaika 0.1.2 aiotaika Taika asynchronous client library for Python This library provides a...
aiotaipit 2.2.0 aioTaipit Asynchronous Python API for Taipit cloud meters. Installation Use pip to...
aiotankerkoenig 0.4.1 aiotankerkoenig
aiotaskboundcontext 0.2.4 AIO Task Bound Context Context manager that provides a means for context to be...
aiotaskpool 0.1.1 aiotaskpool
aiotasks 1.0.0 aiotasks========*aiotasks: Celery like task manager for new AsyncIO Python module*Code | | ----------------------------------------------Issues |...
aiotense 0.0.3a0 Project: aiotense License: Apache 2.0 About: Time Processing Tool
aiotimers 0.0.1 aio-timers Timing utilities based on asyncio. Setup
aiotnse 1.3.0 aioTNSE Asynchronous Python API for TNS-Energo. Installation Use pip to install the...
aiotractive 0.6.0 aiotractive Unofficial Asynchronous Python client for the Tractive REST API. This...
aiotrading 0.0.4 Introduction Crypto exchange APIs are often callback-oriented. This makes coding a nightmare and will...
aiotus 0.1.15 aiotus - Asynchronous tus client library ...