Risecommerce BuyNow for Magento 2
fangshan portal config
Signing URL functionality for CodeIgniter 4 framework
Pacote que disponibiliza um middleware para integrar com o laravel passport para instrospecção
Simple and fast PHP framework frozen in C extension.
Symfony2/3/4/5 Queue Bundle (for background jobs) supporting Mongo (Doctrine ODM), Mysql (and any Doctrine ORM), RabbitMQ, Beanstalkd, Redis, and ......
This package help to connect SSO Banda Aceh with another applications with some features (View, Controller, Config and Route)
A Laravel Package for easily retrieving a list of active users and guests that are currently online.
HuaweiCloud OBS PHP SDK
A package used to calculate the distance between two coordinate points using the haversine algorithm
Module laravel
PHP-SOAP клиент для работы с web-сервисами ЕДИНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ «Спецсвязь» (ЕИС «Спецсвязь»)
Zend Framework 2 Module for Gaufrette
A highly customizable Content Management System based on the Laravel framework.
This class to help with the integration with Thawani Gateway (V2.0)
Get nice type coverage reports
Authentication functionality for API using Laravel Passport
IronMQ Module for Zend Framework 2
PHP client for Ergast Developer API
Simple PHP emecef integration
Integrates the Propel EventDispatcherBehavior into Symfony2.
Pickles 2 に、サイトマップをグラフィカルなエクセル形式(xlsx)で編集できる機能を追加します。
MongoODM Silex service provider
Cosmic-Core designed for Ares Habbo Framework
Query builder communicate database