PHP_CodeSniffer rules for projects in the PHP Parallel Lint organisation
Library Path
Laravel Smart
Templates and fonctionnal Hooks for symfony
Pretty-print PHP objects and arrays in html, json etc.
Pigeon Library for PHP https://pigeon.mycard.in.th
Pigeon Library for Laravel https://pigeon.mycard.in.th
A tool to enable powerful, easy to use, Brute Force Protection.
Kirby plugin to register custom webhooks based on kirby hooks
Provides an abstraction for environment variables.
Implementation over abstraction IAdapter for creating and execution Doctrine\DBAL\Connection instances over driver Mysql
Domain Object Normalizer
mini is a lightweight server utility with no dependencies. It's designed to be extended according to the project.
TTMesaj notification channel for Laravel
An easy-to-use, object-oriented PHP library for Server-Sent Events
OAuth authorization client for www.zarplata.ru
Ergonode - Comment
Laravel filter elequent
Jelix module for Lizmap, which adds tools to interact with french cadastral data
Work in progress
RSS feed from rss.app