like sealed like_sealed # This package contains annotations for like_sealed_gen package Sealed class #...
sqfly Sqfly is a simple ORM inspired from ActiveRecord, built ontop of Sqflite and uses DAO architecture.
select profile photo select_profile_photo # Image picker & image cropper and cupertinosheet Screenshots #...
flutter stringprocess stringprocess # A string library for common string operations and general text helper functions.
boleto mask boleto_mask # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
local file screenshot processor local_file_screenshot_processor # This is intended as a custom processor for the Device...
credit card minimalist credit_card # Credit card widget, a beautiful election for adding cards to your...
flutter device gyro provider flutter_device_gyro_provider # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
jp convert jp_convert # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ew A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
animated expolde button animated_expolde_button # An exploding animation with physics based particles to spice up those...
animated explode button animated_explode_button # An exploding animation with physics based particles to spice up those...
xc db maker This package is use to create easily an instance of sqlite db and ready...
scroll web scroll_web # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
rki corona api RKI Corona API # API to access the Corona information from the Robert-Koch...
drengr Drengr # A Web Framework that gives you a fighting chance. # Drengr features...
custom flutter analyze custom_flutter_analyze # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
native http native_http # A package that calls network from native platform ie OkHttp on Android...
rive checkbox rive_checkbox # Checkbox widget with two or three state animation with a...
sickchill sickchill # Dart package to manage remote sickchill instance, for Flutter support with UI widgets...
func woopear func_woopear # This is projet to group together all the functions that we may...
blake Blake: Static Site Generator # Did he smile his work to see?...
custom route transition go Route Transitions # Este paquete te permitira insertar una transición cuando quieras...
millui Mill-ui quick start # Mounting # pubspec.yaml # ... dependencies: flutter:
flutter form rewrite flutter_form_rewrite # 重写flutter提供的form,样式模仿ant Getting Started # This project is a starting...