flutter xxtext flutter_package # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
x resource uri x_resource_uri # bridged's resource uri parser & builder Getting Started #...
animated popup dialog Animated Popup Dialog # A package that provides an...
rtmp publisher null safe rtmp_publisher_null_safe # RTMP streaming and camera plugin. Getting Started #...
slp mdm SLP Metadata Maker for Dart # This package is for creating Simple Ledger Protocol...
firebase auth ui login firebase_auth_ui_login # Firebase Authentication Project Getting Started # This project...
slp parser Slp parser for dart # This package is for parsing Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP)...
cf indicator cf_indicator # Page View Indicator. Screenshots # Usage #...
health android health_android # This plugin allow to ask permission to read information about STEPS from...
vutil vutil # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flat material tags flat_material_tags # With this package you can easily create material tag widgets....
scoper Scoper # A minimal state management solution for Flutter. # How to...
grpc bchrpc BCHD gRPC Client for Dart and Flutter # This package provides a gRPC client...
changeif changeif # This package is design for Niku and Flutter Hook. Flutter Hook's useMemoized...
grpc bchrpc web BCHD gRPC web client for Flutter web projects # This package provides a...
upnp api UPnP Client for dart # Usage # Direct connect import 'package:upnp/upnp.dart';...
injectable generator micropackages injectable_generator # A generator for injectable library. test # to run...
xgk ui xgk_ui # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
xgk package xgk_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
button go button_go # Button on the go created by Bui Xuan Quan. Getting Started...
textgo textgo # A new Flutter package project create by Bui Xuan Quan. Getting Started...
flutter huashi flutter_huashi # Huashi Flutter Plugin. 该插件需要使用华视电子的专用设备(T5000),普通Android手机和Android设备都是不能正常使用的 该插件中包含:扫码、读取身份证等功能。 青蛙支付相关的功能已经移动到 wechat_face_payment...
lot uart lot_uart #
dartplus dartplus dartplus is a library that tries to provide some advance features that are missing...
triple mixins triple_mixins # A set of mixins created to improve development with Triple package....