galileo html builder html_builder # Build HTML AST's and render them to...
galileo test galileo_test # Testing utility library for the galileo framework....
galileo hot hot # Supports hot reloading of Galileo servers on file changes. This is faster...
android hash log android_hash_log # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
native emoji keyboard native_emoji_keyboard # Platform View for iOS emoji keyboard Installation #
ios sample plugin ios_sample_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
fs flutter fs_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter google map marker icon flutter_google_map_marker_icon # Add custom marker icon for flutter google map
marquee in flutter marquee_in_flutter # This package provides marquee widgets that receive items(type: List<Widget>) as input
galileo prompts galileo_prompts # Rich, simple, synchronous command-line prompt library for Dart. Now...
galileo isolate Helps with isolates and isolate communication in Dart. Requires the dart:isolate library being available.
galileo mustache4dart Mustache for Dart # A simple implementation of Mustache for...
galileo cli galileo_cli # Command-line tools for the galileo framework. Includes functionality such...
custom long tap long_press_widget # A GestureDetector where you can set the Duration for LongPress callback
ocg gallery ocg_gallery # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
galileo serialize galileo_serialize # The frontend for Galileo model serialization. See documentation in the main...
galileo serialize generator galileo_serialize_generator # The builder for galileo's model serialization. Find documentation in the...
chaos chat ui chaos_chat_ui # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
galileo orm galileo_orm # Runtime support for galileo's ORM. Includes a clean, database-agnostic query builder...
galileo migration galileo_migration # A PostgreSQL database migration framework built on galileo's ORM.
galileo migration runner migration # A PostgreSQL database migration framework built on Galileo's ORM.
galileo orm generator galileo_orm_generator # Source code generators for galileo's ORM. This package can generate:
galileo pretty logging pretty_logging # Standalone helper for colorful logging output, using pkg:io AnsiCode.
galileo orm test
galileo orm mysql galileo_orm_mysql #