galileo orm postgres galileo_orm_postgres # PostgreSQL support for galileo's ORM. For documentation about the ORM,...
galileo orm service galileo_orm_service # Service implementation that wraps over galileo ORM...
galileo auth galileo_auth # A complete authentication plugin for galileo. Inspired by Passport. Wiki #
galileo auth oauth2 auth_oauth2 # package:galileo_auth strategy for OAuth2 login, i.e. Facebook or Github.
eventsource dart eventsource # A library for using EventSource or Server-Sent Events (SSE). Both client...
galileo eventsource eventsource # Server-sent Events (SSE) plugin for Angel. Installation # In your...
ringo ringo # ringo is japanese word separator. Usage # final ringo...
galileo file service file_service # galileo service that persists data to a...
galileo file security file_security # Middleware for securing file uploads. Supports:
yz dsl gen A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/,...
curve25519 kimble Pure Dart and incomplete implementation of group operations on the Curve25519 This is not...
hb flutter util hb_flutter_util # A common Utils for Flutter. Install Started #
ocwebservice ocwebservice # Flutter API calling package Getting Started # Add Package into your...
flutter plugin resample flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
international system of units locale All your needed units in your locale
international system of units Easily convert unit from and to the international system of units and automatically...
test beacon test_beacon # A library makes Flutter test more...
flutter cafe flutter_cafe # A new Flutter package project.
galileo graphql parser galileo_graphql_parser # Parses GraphQL queries and schemas. This...
galileo graphql schema galileo_graphql_schema # An implementation of GraphQL's type system in...
asalert asalert # A new Flutter package to show alert based on platform. It contains two...
galileo graphql generator galileo_graphql_generator # Generates package:galileo_graphql_schema schemas for annotated class.
galileo graphql server graphql_server # Base package for implementing GraphQL servers....
galileo graphql Installation Usage Subscriptions Integration with Galileo Services Documenting API's Deprecated...
galileo data loader data_loader # Batch and cache database lookups. Works well...