jet form builder jet_form_builder # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
page router page_router # Experimental router for Flutter built using the Navigator 2.0 API. Usage...
curved close drawer Curved Closed Drawer # A Curved Drawer Library for Easy and...
fliclib Fliclib # A dart version of the Shortcut Labs Flic button protocol Please see...
retrofit generator d See retrofit.dart
retrofit generator with decoder See retrofit.dart fork [retrofit.dart] , and add decoder adapter.
admob network ad flutter_plugin_admob_network_ad # Plugin to integrate Facebook Native Ad to Flutter application @override
ocg post ocg_post # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter news api Flutter News API # Flutter News API is the dart api of the...
pedroplugin pedroplugin # A new flutter plugin thats provides string depend for each age ....
flutter gitgraph flutter_gitgraph # A Flutter library to easily visualize shiny Git Graphs. ...
weight weight # A new Flutter plugin for weight and print. Getting Started #...
property ui annotation Defines the annotations used by property_ui_generator to create GUI code. example project is...
property ui generator Generator for property_ui_annotation This is useful when you need to arrange a large...
my accordion MFKaccordion # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter amap track flutter_amap_track # 本插件为高德猎鹰Api的搬运和实现 Android猎鹰文档 iOS猎鹰文档 Android #...
mypos flutter mypos_flutter # Bridge with native MyPos SDK /!\ WORK IN PROGRESS /!...
drives drives # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
prompter sg second A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/,...
shamsi datepicker persian_datepicker # A new Flutter package for persian date picker. Getting Started #
hellosiddhant hello # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
shot widget Shot Widget # The flutter package that allows you to take a screenshot of...
currencylistpicker Currency List Picker # Flutter plugin project to pick currency code, will show currency name...
enigma annotation Enigma annotation # Defines the annotations used by enigma_serializable to create code for serialization...
enigma serializable Enigma serializable # Provides [source_gen] Generators to create code for serialization and deserialization of...