enigma dart Enigma dart # A collection of widgets, libraries and utilities that implements the EnigmaUI...
scribes ✍️✍️ Scribes ✍️✍️ ...
ivy baby record ivy_baby_record # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
kuma player kuma_player # A video player for flutter support video cache, and drawing on other...
imba calendar flutter_calendar # A Flutter Calendar ...
warmup routine warmup_routine # A library for handling animation warmup generically as discussed in: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/76180...
app avaliability Flutter AppAvailability Plugin # This is a fork of this package [flutter_appavailability])(https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_appavailability)...
flutter templater Flutter Templater # A command-line tool which simplifies the process of creating folder and...
prompter dc prompter_dc is a prompting tool built with Dart #
place picker migrated Flutter Place Picker # The missing location picker made in Flutter for Flutter....
cubetiq computer api cubetiq_computer_api # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
package flutter test package_flutter_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
bicolor icon bicolor_icon # Flutter library for creating two tone icon, you can customize color/ratio/direction etc...
getbykey Get by Key # A simple extension to get an element in a...
kirin Kirin # A Flutter UI Toolkit for rapid prototyping Documentation # Visit Kirin...
bts webview bts_webview # A flutter package to render web view support for all platform...
flutter form builder fixed Please note # This package has been fixed to allow use with...
base plugin base_plugin # Base Function Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
smart image picker smart_image_picker # Picker asks to open gallery or camera, preview image and a...
willpop admob willpop_admob # WillPopAdmob Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
system sounds flutter ringtone_set # Flutter package for easily setting device's default ringtone or notification sound.
puntored plugin flutter Flutter Scanovate Plugin # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android allowing access...
zakah Zakah # Zakah is a client library for safaricom's Mpesa API. It's...
prompter pochi Prompter Pochi # This is part of a tutorial More text to test...
customtext demo customtext #