flutter dash flutter_dash # A small library to draw dashed line in flutter :D Install...
gotrue gotrue-dart # Dart client for the GoTrue API. Docs #
melos A tool for managing Dart projects with multiple packages, inspired by Lerna.
flutter reactive ble Flutter reactive BLE library # Flutter library that handles BLE operations...
dio http2 adapter dio_http2_adapter # An adapter that combines HTTP/2 and dio. Supports reusing...
flutter compass flutter_compass # A Flutter compass. The heading varies from 0-360, 0 being...
custom pop up menu CustomPopupMenu # Wrap a widget with CustomPopupMenu, Tap or Long Press this...
csc picker csc_picker # A flutter package to display a country, states, and cities....
fk user agent fk_user_agent # Retrieve Android/iOS device...
alice Alice # Alice is an HTTP Inspector tool for...
shorebird code push Shorebird Code Push # A...
azlistview Language: English | ä¸æįŽäŊ azlistview # A Flutter sticky headers & index ListView. Based...
copy with extension Defines the annotation used by copy_with_extension_gen to generate copyWith extensions. For more information...
calendar view calendar_view # A Flutter package allows you to easily implement all calendar...
flutter html table flutter_html_table # Table widget for flutter_html. This package renders table elements using...
webview cookie manager Webview Cookie Manager # A flutter library to manager your web...
omni datetime picker Omni DateTime Picker # A DateTime picker that lets user select...
flutter time picker spinner flutter_time_picker_spinner # Time Picker widget with spinner instead of a material time...
intercom flutter intercom_flutter # Flutter wrapper for Intercom Android, iOS, and Web...
flutter flavorizr Flutter Flavorizr # A flutter utility to easily create flavors in your flutter application
dart mappable dart_mappable
bottom sheet Bottom Sheet # Made by Surf đââī¸đââī¸đââī¸ ...
safe device safe_device (Null-Safety) # Flutter (Null-Safety) Jailbroken, root, emulator and mock...
aligned tooltip aligned_tooltip # aligned_tooltip gives you more flexibility over the Flutter standard Tooltip by allowing...
infinite carousel Infinite Carousel # Infinite...