app version update Retrieve version and url for local app update against store app Android and...
animated notch bottom bar Animated Notch Bottom Bar #
flutter highlight flutter_highlight # Syntax highlighter for Flutter. Usage # import...
widget to marker Features # When using Google Maps, we always have a problem with adding...
material dialogs Flutter Material Dialogs # Flutter Material Dialogs 📱 # A Flutter...
double back to close app double_back_to_close_app # A Flutter package...
flutter map animations Flutter Map Animations # Animation utility for the flutter_map package....
flutter html to pdf flutter_html_to_pdf # Flutter plugin for generating PDF files from HTML
global configuration Flutter Global Configuration # A flutter package for managing different configurations by merging them...
country icons country_icons # A dart package with many country flag icons Getting Started #
bubble tab indicator Bubble Tab Indicator # A Flutter library to add bubble tab...
sqflite sqlcipher sqflite_sqlcipher # This is a fork from the plugin sqflite. sqflite_common...
extended text field extended_text_field # Language: English | ä¸æ–‡ç®€ä½“ Extended official text field...
charcode Character code constants # This package can generate constant symbolic names for character codes....
moengage flutter MoEngage Flutter Plugin # Flutter Plugin for MoEngage Platform SDK Installation #...
flow builder Flutter Flows made easy! ...
postgres PostgreSQL client # A library for connecting to and querying PostgreSQL databases (see...
fast immutable collections Fast Immutable Collections # This package is brought to you by...
roundcheckbox Introduction # Package created to give a fully functional and customizable round CheckBox. Simple...
slide to act Flutter Slide To Act # A simple slide-to-unlock widget for Flutter inspired by...
liquid swipe This repository contains the Liquid Swipe Flutter source code. Liquid swipe is the revealing...
drift dev Drift Generator # This library contains the generator that turns your Table classes from...
appmetrica plugin AppMetrica SDK for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for AppMetrica by Yandex. AppMetrica is...
awesome notifications core Awesome Notifications Core - Year 2 # ...
fast cached network image Fast Cached Network Image # A flutter package to cache network image...