dart native annoy dart_native_annoy # # Annoy (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah) # This...
anime pin code field anime_pin_code_field # Pin code field. a pin code field for flutter,...
cafebazaar auth Flutter CafeBazaarAuth # Using this library, you can always access your users without having...
edeskyclient Edesky client # Dart client for Czech service edesky.cz API. Supports...
lukas generator Lukas Generator Package help you to generate objects based on a template and custom params.
wareki wareki # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
leme nav bae jumping_bottom_nav_bar # Jumping Bottom Tab Bar. Check out the pub pakage here....
osx kvm installer Running # wget https://github.com/relf108/OSX-KVM-installer/releases/download/1.0.3/osx_kvm_installer chmod +x osx_kvm_installer ./osx_kvm_installer copied to...
dependency scanner dependency_scanner # ...
daincrementer Daincrementer # A Dart package to automatically increments the version code of your pubspec....
hilbert geohash hilbert_geohash # Geohash a lng/lat coordinate using hilbert space filling curves written in dart.
github trending github_trending # A Dart library to get GitHub trending repositories...
okdio generator Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit.
rehana Rehana # Rehana Flutter App Engine. Introduction # Rehana Flutter App Engine is...
brotherlabelprintdart Brother Label Printer Dart # A dart plugin implementing the Brother Label Print SDK...
charm Charm # Styles, Widgets & Utilities for Flutter, useful for quick apps.
matt q matt_q # Package defined a new extends widget to extends on StatefulWidget. A...
emas core emas_core # 安装 # 在 flutter 项目的 pubspec.yaml 文件的 dependencies 中添加 dependencies:
oss flutter oss_flutter # pure dart oss client for flutter (only support STS authentication) Only...
emas crashlytics emas_crashlytics # EMAS Flutter SDK:崩溃异常上报 安装 # 在 flutter 项目的 pubspec.yaml 文件的...
blw 墨墨测试发布 Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license. 使用方式如下...
avataaar image 2 avataaar_image # Flutter wrapper widget for Avataaars API - a free...
os ip address os_ip_address # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
external package external_package # Convert Json to Listview builder. Getting Started # Import This...
onycha A touch detection directive for AngularDart. Features include touch, swiping, panning, dragging and dropping. Onycha...