essential widgets Essential Widgets # This package is a compilation of widgets maybe useful for some...
bytedesk chat 请移步bytedesk_kefu库 # 萝卜丝-智能客服-中文文档 bytedesk flutter helpdesk sdk
widgetify widgetify # Flutter Custom, ready to user, widgets.
mango stock Stock # Stock.API - Will enable an Entity to display their assets to the...
ocean press Ocean_Press # ...
active property change notifier Active Property Change Notifier # Actively pushes changes of itself and nested...
active property change notifier generator This package is the code generator of active_property_change_notifier and cannot use without...
flutter pluginh flutter_pluginh # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
nigerian banks nigerian_banks # A simple ( maybe not 😪) plugin for adding nigerian banks to...
jay form validator form_validator # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
eufemia DNB Design System 👨🎨 # DISCLAIMER: This package is...
sts flutter sts_flutter # AHCA STS Flutter plugin. AHCA Flutter平台手机盾SDK插件 说明 # 此插件是在手机盾原生SDK上封装的Flutter平台插件,其功能和接口与原生SDK一致。
popup menu utils PopupMenuUtils # Flutter PopupMenuUtils 修改PopupMenu的系统弹出方式 # 使用说明 # List<PopupMenuItemBean> topList...
app qrcode scanner app_qrcode_scanner # app_qrcode_scanner is a plugin for application to scan QRCode using camera...
zipf dart-zipf # Dart implementation of a Zipf-distributed random
my flutter xmpp flutter_xmpp # xmpp for openfire Getting Started # This project is...
check version check_version # Check Android/iOs store version and provide update alert if update is available...
scientisst scientisst # [UNDER DEVELOPMENT] A new Flutter package project for signal processing focusing in...
animate route transition Animate Route Transition # Paquete con transiciones entre pantallas, como versión 1 vendra...
app background utils app_background_utils # Press the return button on an Android phone, the app runs...
app security kit app_security_kit # app_security_kit is a plugin for application preform series of security related...
animation builder animation_builder # Fluent and type-safe API to build keyframes and timing for Web Animation...
brand circle loading Brand Circle Loading # Installing # Add this to your...
citadel one test package citadel_one_test_package # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
animated reveal stack animated_reveal_stack # A simple animated circular reveal based on stack widget. Works with...