az grident button az_grident_button # 渐变色按钮,发布Pub练习 Getting Started # This project is a starting...
sms retriever api sms_retriever_api # A Flutter plugin for Android automatic SMS verification using Google’s SMS...
arculus auth widgets Arculus Auth Widgets # Collection of flutter auth-related widgets such as...
database firebase helper database_firebase_helper # A Flutter (pure-dart) package to simpler FromMap/ToJson when working with Firebase...
prompter ottersp0tter This packahe is made following Stevens Udemy Course
pixel adapter pixel_adapter # Plugin for adapting Android and iOS screen size. Usage:...
scroll app bar fork height ScrollAppBar # Hide or show app bar while scrolling. This package...
pixel fix pixel_fix # Plugin for adapting Android and iOS screen size. Usage:...
bitmap texture bitmap # BitMap is an alternative to Image.file, achieving higher performance image display....
dd base dd_base # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # flutter packages pub...
copy with e annotation copy_with_e_annotation See copy_with_e_generator
transitions route basic transitions_route_basic # This package provides an management to implement animations between screens...
zefyr rtl Zefyr # Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. Zefyr is...
awesome transitions Awesome_transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición entre pantallas Ejemplo de uso...
firebase phone verify ui firebase_phone_verify_ui # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
alphatar Alphatar # Create an avatar with the initials of your text. Screenshot...
mock creator annotation See mock_creator_generator for details
bluesy bluesy # A Flutter widget library for serial Bluetooth communication between smart phones and microcontrollers
terminal debug terminal_debug # A new Flutter package. "# terminal_debuger"
loading container Loading Container # Show center loading with white overlay DEMO...
tendolib tendo # Tendo API package Getting Started # This project is a starting...
browser routes In-browser routing for simple dart-driven single page applications (SPA). Support for: plain...
automatic spring animation automatic_spring_animation # this package animates widgets with springs when their location changes...
reverse nominatim reverse_nominatim # OSM Nominatim reverse geocoder. Example usage # () async {
flutter txugcupload flutter_txugcupload # 适用于 Flutter 的腾讯云点播上传 SDK