pandocpm 0.2.1 Date: December 7, 2016 Contents package-manager
pandocfigure Installation
panda3dcharactercontroller 20.11.1 Panda3D Character Controller An extensive character controller system to be used with the Panda3D...
pancritic 0.3.2 Author: Kolen Cheung Date: April 5, 2019 ...
palpageproducer 1.3.0 Palette Page Producer Input: a SASS stylesheet (.scss), a LESS stylesheet (.less), a GNU...
paginatejson 1.0 paginate-json CLI tool for retrieving JSON...
packpath 0.9.4 packpath Automatically upload Signal stickers from a given path and YAML configuration Install...
oscillo 1.0.0 oscillo 记录命令执行过程中对系统产生的负载,以图片的形式展现出来 Record the system load at the execution of the command line...
orderPy 1.0 The documentation can be found on the project’s github page.
operun.linkportlet 1.1.5 operun.linkportlet Overview This package provides a portlet to display Links. Links can be...
openvk 1.8 Python module for OpenVK API project management platform (OpenVK API wrapper)
opentypesanitizer 9.1.0 ots-python Python wheels for the OpenType Sanitizer
opentsdb23zhongwenwendang 2024.3.5.0 OpenTSDB 2.3 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/opentsdb-2-3-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
OpenSCADMinimizer 0.2 OpenSCAD Minimizer - Reduce the size of your .scad file <> Default syntax:
openpyxlsql 1.2 moved to excel-sql-engine
opencontestclient 2.3.0 OpenContest Client A very simple OpenContest command line client written in Python. The only...
opencontestcli 2.8.0 OpenContest CLI A very simple OpenContest command line client written in Python and requests.
olive2022 0.1.7 Olive 2022 Edge-native virtual desktop application that uses the Sinfonia framework to discover...
ofxstatementmastercardde 0.1.0 This project provides a plugin for ofxstatement that imports German Mastercard statements. ofxstatement is...
offstream 1.0.3 offstream Record your favorite twitch streams automatically and watch them later. ...
offstackapp 0.0.1a0 Locally store your Stackoverflow favorites, without the need to constantly look them up. Works only...
offlate 0.5 Offlate is a graphical interface designed for translators of free and open source software....
dax 2.13.49 DAX, is a python package developed at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. It’s available...
dateblock 1.0.3 []([]( Manipulation======================Datetools packages itself with 2 tools, dateblock and datemath.## DateblockDateblock allows you to block...
navhippython 0.1.32 Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet products Requirements This API...