nanodip 0.0.0 NanoDiP This project is a fork of
nametag 0.1.0 nametag - set audio file tags based on file name nametag uses regular expressions...
nameit 0.0.1 github PyPi nameit reserved for self usage purpose
namedtupledefs2 0.1.21
namaalamat 0.3.4 A Python Package to Indonesia Name and Address Preprocessor. Features … System...
nalarm 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
nabo 0.4.1 Nabo Nabo is a flexible Python package that allows projections of cells...
mzt 2.0.0 ModuleZooTorch Collection of neural-net modules including both general blocks, and those introduced in latest...
mysqldump 0.0.10 Mysqldump is a django package to import and export mysql database. Installation *...
cytocipher 0.1.20 Cytocipher - detection of significantly different cell populations in scRNA-seq For a...
cytocad 1.0.3 CytoCAD - Copy-number variation caller using low-depth whole-genome sequencing data ...
cythonpocketfft 0.0.12 cython-pocketfft Description A Cython wrapper for PocketFFT Links Documentation:
CyrusKit 0.5.5 ⏱️ Cyrus: Simplifying Caching in FastAPI. 📃
cyr 0.0.1 cyr cyr is a simple console program that converts text written in plain ASCII...
cygtrace 0.0.1 cygtrace gcc instrumentation based tracer for c/c++/pybind11 Installation Requirements: ...
Cyantities 0.5.0 Cyantities Cython-powered quantities. Usage Python Cyantities ships two Python classes: Unit...
cyac 1.9 cyac High performance Trie & Keyword Match & Replace Tool.
cxOracleasync 0.3.3 cx_Oracle_async
multifileconverter 1.0.9 ConvertFilesClass The main idea is to simplify converting files to another formats ONLY...
multiexit 1.5.0 A better, saner and more useful atexit replacement for Python 3 that supports multiprocessing.
multiconfparse 0.1.0 Multiconfparse Multiconfparse is a Python3 library for specifying and reading configuration data from...
multisort 0.1.5 multisort - NoneType Safe Multi Column Sorting For Python Simplified multi-column sorting of lists...
multicastpy 1.0.0 Low-to-mid level wrapper for multicast sockets. Simple and cross-platform. The library is...
multiquantization 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
MultiprocessinggRPCLoadBalancer 0.0.2 Multiprocessing_gRPC_Load_Balancer Load Balancer for multiprocessing grpc server in Linux. [!IMPORTANT]...