mlwrappers 0.5.6 Machine Learning Wrappers SDK for Python This package has been tested with Python 3.8,...
mlpipeline 2.0a7.post1 mlpipeline This is a simple framework to organize you machine learning workflow. It automates...
mlpcli 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
MLOOP 3.3.5 The Machine-Learner Online Optimization Package is designed to automatically and rapidly optimize the parameters of...
mLib 1.2.4 Your bag of handy codez for malware researchers Content ...
mliamlib 1.0.7 # mlib A library of useful data manipulation, plotting, loading/saving, and other tools for...
mlia 0.8.0 ML Inference Advisor - Introduction The ML Inference Advisor (MLIA) helps AI developers design...
mlhyperparameters 0.0.2 A library that uses magic to find the best hyperparameters in a modular way
MLGassign 1.0.3 Table of Contents About this package Install Usage
mlflowxethub 0.0.0 MLflow-XetHub This plugin integrates XetHub with MLflow so that you can use existing MLflow...
mlflowregistrymongostore 0.1.11 mlflow-tracking-mongostore Mlflow plugin to use MongoDB as a backend for the MLflow tracking service....
mldevreporting 0.1.1 MLDev Reporting Welcome to MLDev reporting - library for creating html reports for your...
mkschroot A simple script for making schroot environments from a JSON configuration file. The idea...
mkprobe 0.1.0 mkprobe Description Build contigs from a suite of contiguous kmers as fasta format
mknotebookswithlinks 0.7.1.post0.dev809 mknotebooks mknotebooks is a plugin for MkDocs enabling you to include Jupyter notebooks directly...
mknotebooks 0.8.0 mknotebooks mknotebooks is a plugin for MkDocs enabling you to include Jupyter notebooks directly...
mkdocstogglesidebarplugin 0.0.5 mkdocs-toggle-sidebar-plugin This package allows you to toggle the...
mkdocsgithubchangelog 0.1.0 # mkdocs_github_changelog mkdocs extension to autogenerate changelog from github ## Introduction ##...
mjpegstreamer 2024.2.8 mjpeg-streamer Overview The mjpeg-streamer package provides a simple, flexible and efficient way to...
mjcfurdfsimpleconverter 0.4 mjcf_urdf_simple_converter A minimal and simple script to convert limited elements of MJCF (MuJoCo modeling...
mjbackup 1.0.1 MJBackup - Morning Joe Software Linux Server Backup System. This script is called to...
mizoo 0.5 Use deep learning to rename your images with the related caption.
mixvideoconcat 1.2.0 MixVideoConcat MixVideoConcat is a Python tool/library...
mkdocscrosslinkplugin 0.0.3 mkdocs-crosslink-plugin This package allows you to add links...
mkdocsbadges 0.4.4 mkdocs-badges This package allows you to add badges...