csengine 0.1.4 # csengine csengine is a library which contains the utility classes and tools to...
cs489pyinstallertestable1 6.5.0 PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. The...
crystalball 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cryptraider 0.0.1 CryptRaider Some utilities for crypto CTF challenges Test Run tests using the...
MolBokeh 1.0.1 MolBokeh MolBokeh is a simple package for viewing the image of molecules...
molaguttal 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mokkari 3.3.0 Mokkari A python wrapper for the...
mokito 0.3.9 # mokitoAn asynchronous ORM for accessing MongoDB in Tornado## What is mokito?(MOngodb + [mongoKIt](https://github.com/namlook/mongokit) +...
monascapredictor 0.2.0 monasca-predictor monasca-predictor is a Python module that integrates with Monasca to provide OpenStack...
monascanotification 9.0.0 Team and repository tags Notification Engine This...
monascalogapi 2.11.0 OpenStack Monasca-Log-Api OpenStack Monasca-Log-Api provides RESTful Api to collect logs from the OpenStack...
monascaapi 11.0.0 Team and repository tags Overview monasca-api is...
monascaagent 10.0.0 Openstack Monasca Agent Introduction The Monasca Agent...
monainvflare 0.2.13 MONAI Integration Objective Integration with MONAI's federated learning capabilities. Add ClientAlgoExecutor class...
momodatavalidation 0.0.1 Extension of Tensorflow Data Validation
crsplus 0.2.1 CRS Plus A simple Rust library Installation pip install crsplus
crproj 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
CrossTex 0.7.0 UNKNOWN
cropy 0.3 Command line tool and module to crop an image to a specific resolution removing less...
croo 0.6.0 https://github.com/ENCODE-DCC/croo
crontip 0.0.3 Crontip Crontip is a tool uesd for backup and install of crontab. Installation
cronrepo 0.3.4 cronrepo: Maintain a set of cron jobs in your code repository In Unix conventions,...
cronpi 2.0.1 cronpi A small tool for deploying crontab jobs into a unix-like system, eg. Linux/Mac...
cronify 0.13 Cronify is a file event based task scheduler that uses the Linux kernels’ inotify API....
modulelauncher 0.2.0 Python module launcher----------------------This module tries to improve the start-up time of Python scripts. Itdoes so...