microhackatonservicediscoverypy 0.0.7 Python library to interact with other microservices at http://microhackaton.github.io/2014/ Installation You...
mfrc522python 0.0.7 MFRC522-python The mfrc522-python library is used to interact with RFID readers that use the...
mfrc522 0.0.7 mfrc522 A python library to read/write RFID tags via the budget MFRC522 RFID module.
mfpml 1.0.0 Documentation | Installation | GitHub | Tutorials Summary This repository...
mfl 2.0a1 The api for the master facility list.
mfispboxdetection 0.0.1.dev2 mfisp-boxdetection, see https://github.com/csachs/mfisp-boxdetection for info
mffpytex 0.4.2 MFF PyTeX is a framework for writing tex documents in python. Free...
miceless 1.0.0 MiceLess Utitlity that helps binding keyboard shortcuts for some of the operations that you...
miceapi 1.0.3.dev6 miceapi - Multi-Mouse API A module for abstracting linux devices and making multiple simultaneous...
micca 1.7.2 micca (MICrobial Community Analysis) is a software pipeline for the processing of amplicon sequencing...
cometbluelite 0.7.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Colr 0.9.1 A python module for using terminal colors. It contains a simple color function that...
colored 2.2.4 About Colored, it's a simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal....
ColorDetect 1.6.3 ColorDetect ColorDetect Documentation | Package ...
colorconvert 1.0 Hexadecimal to rgb from color_convert import color rgb = color.hex_to_rgb('#fff000')...
colorclass 2.2.2 colorclass Yet another ANSI color text library for Python. Provides "auto colors" for dark/light...
colorthemeanalyse 1.145.6 项目依赖比较简单,可以使用无依赖安装: pip install color-theme-analyse --no-deps 如果你设置的全局镜像未收录本项目,请使用以下的命令从官方仓库安装或者手动指定镜像: pip install color-theme-analyse --no-deps -i https://pypi.org/simple
colorprint 0.1 Module colorprint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Python module to print in color using py3k-style...
colorpie 1.0.0 colorpie Terminal color style handler. Installation: python -m pip install [--upgrade] colorpie
colorgb 4.1 Colorgb A Python packages to coloring and styling default terminal text. ColorGB using...
coloredtraceback 0.4.2 Automatically color Python’s uncaught exception tracebacks. This one’s for anybody who’s ever struggled to...
colin 0.5.3 Colin Tool...
cogen 0.2.1 This is a library for network oriented, coroutine based programming. cogen’s goal is to...
coffer 0.3 About Easily send and receive files in your LAN. Without ever typing an IP...
Metamorf 0.5.1 What is Metamorf Metamorf is a Metadata Suite that generates SQL code within a...