methylsuite 1.4.0 Overview This meta package will install the python packages that together make up the...
MethylPurify 2.020141116 This script is used for predicting subclone purity. Get Dependent data...
methylprep 1.7.1 methylprep is a python package for processing Illumina methylation array data. View on ReadTheDocs.
methylize 1.1.1 methylize is a python package for analyzing output from Illumina methylation arrays. It complements methylprep...
methpype 1.0.6 Overview This meta package will install the python packages that together make up the...
methodwebscan 0.0.20 The author of this package has not provided a project description
metafs 0.0.16 MetaFS is for generating a datastore of file metadata for rapid complex searches
metaflownetflixext 1.2.2 Metaflow Extensions from Netflix This repository contains extensions for Metaflow that are in use...
meson 1.5.2 Meson is a cross-platform build system designed to be both as fast and as user...
mesmerizeviz 0.1.0 mesmerize-viz This is currently in beta and documentation is a WIP. Motion Correction and...
mesmerizecore 0.4.0 mesmerize-core Mesmerize...
mesmerize 0.8.0 PyPI Downloads License
metaflow 2.12.22 Metaflow Metaflow is a human-friendly library that helps scientists and engineers build and manage...
metadynminer 0.8.3 Metadynminer is a package designed to help...
cloudmeshcommon 5.0.60 Cloudmesh Common ...
mediamanager 0.75.25 Media Manager ...
mediadownloader 0.11.5 Media Downloader ...
mediaDB Ensure your media are here, no double, detect missing media, and can accept any metadata...
mediabyte Mediabyte Mediabyte is an open-source poly-platform playlist format and succinct online media...
medeiroscalculator 0.0.1 A calculator to add to pip install Change Log 0.0.1 (20/02/2024)
mecab 0.996.3 Unofficial MeCab binding Python module for many OSs (Windows, macOS, and Linux) Official Japanese...
mebuex 1.3.0 Mebuex A setuptools Extension and build_ext wrapper for builds based on Meson. Usage
measeelabftw 0.0.7 mease-elabftw A Python library...
meaningless 1.1.0 Meaningless is a Python library used to retrieve, process and download Bible passages from Bible...
meaningeraser 0.0.1 Meaning Eraser A simple program that can erase the meaning of your life....