max7219LEDMATRIX 0.0.2 For more information, see the GitHub Repository. MAX7219 Sample Drive This repository contains...
max7219driver 0.0.2 For more information, see the GitHub Repository. MAX7219 Sample Drive This repository contains...
max30105 0.0.5 MAX30105 - Heart Rate, Oximeter, Smoke Sensor
maubotfedoramessages 0.1.0 Maubot Fedora messages A schema package for Maubot Fedora. See the detailed documentation...
mattersend 2.0 CLI tool to send messages to the Incoming webhook of mattermost ( ...
matterllo 0.1 What is Matterllo ?===================.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation StatusSimple integration between Trello and...
matterhook 0.2 Simply send messages to your Mattermost team using incoming webhooks. Getting the...
mattdaemon 1.1.1 Need to daemonize your Python2.7 projects? Matt Daemon has you covered. Features
matrixpy3 0.0.4 Matrix-py3 Python3 implementation of cmatrix to generate "character falls". Matrix-py3 is adapted from...
ciqar 0.2.0 Ciqar Ciqar is a tool for creating useful and (at least somewhat) pretty HTML...
cigarcoordinates 0.0.1 cigar_coordinates 1 Introduction cigar_coordinates is a tool To get the coordinates of a...
cif2cell 2.1.0 A tool to generate the geometrical setup for various electronic structure codes from a...
chrys 4.0.29 chrys A collection of color palettes for visualisation in JavaScript, Python and...
ChromeController 0.3.26 Chrome Remote Control interface and debug protocol and toolkit. NOTE: Tests are currently broken...
chembl webservices 2.7.3 chembl_webservices version 2.x======[live documentation]([API specification]([Introductory blog post]([]([]([]([]([]([](
chembl migrate 0.8.4 chembl_migrate======.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest Version.. image:: :target: :alt: Downloads.....
marvrobotics 21.12.0 This package is part of the MARV Robotics Community Edition. MARV Robotics is a...
marvelcaseaaw 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
marvelapi 0.0.1 from marvel.client import MarvelClient client = MarvelClient("", "<api_key>", "<api_secrel>") resp = client.get_comic(16246)...
marvcli 21.12.0 This package is part of the MARV Robotics Community Edition. MARV Robotics is a...
marvapi 21.12.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
marv 21.12.0 This package is part of the MARV Robotics Community Edition. MARV Robotics is a...
maruko 0.1.2 Maruko is malware crawler inspired by ‘ちびまる子ちゃん’ This script crawl...
marstest1 0.0.5 short description of what your library does release a new version of ther library...
marshalparser 0.3.4 Marshal parser marshal is an internal Python object serialization which is internally used