Aa Srppayouts 1.0.1 | Coderz Product

aa-srppayouts 1.0.1

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aasrppayouts 1.0.1

A simple SRP table plugin, that offers dynamic rows and columns to show the maximum amount of ISK you're willing to reimburse if someone lost their ship. This plugin works independently from any SRP plugin and only offers you the table mechanics.
This plugin was inspired by Goonswarm Federation's Affordable Care App.

Current Features

Alliance Auth Production

Non-Docker Version
Docker Version

Alliance Auth Development


Current Features

Display a page with the maximum amount of ISK you're willing to reimburse
Dynamically add new ships, new payouts or new reimbursement reasons (columns)
Simple search bar for the ship name
Sorting filters for each column


Add pagination
Add option to only show a certain amout of entries
Add admin option to easily change payout values for one ship type

Active devs:



Alliance Auth Production
Non-Docker Version
1.) Install the pip package via pip install aa-srppayouts
2.) Add srppayouts to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects local.py
3.) Restart your server, then run migrations and collectstatic
4.) Run python manage.py srppayouts_load_data to load most ship data
5.) (Optional) Run python manage.py srppayouts_load_example to load example data
Docker Version
1.) Please make sure you followed the custom docker-image tutorial here:
2.) Edit your conf/requirements and add the following line aa-srppayouts (Check https://pypi.org/project/aa-simplewiki/ for different versions!)
3.) Add srppayouts to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects local.py
4.) Start your server docker compose --env-file=.env up -d
5.) Run docker compose exec allianceauth bash
7.) Run auth migrate
8.) Run auth collectstatic
9.) Run auth srppayouts_load_data
10.) (Optional) Run auth srppayouts_load_example to load example data
Alliance Auth Development
Make sure you have installed alliance auth in the correct way: https://allianceauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/dev_setup/index.html
1.) Download the repo git clone https://github.com/meowosaurus/aa-srppayouts
2.) Make sure it's under the root folder aa-dev, not under myauth
3.) Change directory into aa-dev aand run pip install -e aa-srppayouts
Important: If you are getting an error saying that srppayouts is not installed after running pip install -e aa-srppayouts, delete the setup.py file in the aa-srppayouts root directory and try again.
4.) Add srppayouts to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects local.py
5.) Change directory into myauth
6.) Make migrations with python manage.py makemigrations
7.) Migrate with python manage.py migrate
8.) Restart auth with python manage.py runserver
Check out our wiki on GitHub: https://github.com/meowosaurus/aa-srppayouts/wiki

Admin Site
Auth Site

Can view the payouts page


Load over 200 ships with their correct ship id: python manage.py srppayouts_load_data
Load an example with 3 columns and 4 ships: python manage.py srppayouts_load_example


Alliance Auth

This plugin only works with Alliance Auth 4.0.0 or above

On Discord: meowlicious


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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