Abw Flutter Sdk | Coderz Product


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abw flutter sdk

A flutter SDK contains a digital health assessment PWA (WebView)
Feature :

Digital Health Assessment - Facial Scan, Report Download, View Report, Health Questionnaire

Prerequisites :
Android minSDK = 19, maxSDK = 33
IOS minimum version = 11.0
Flutter environment:
sdk: '>=2.19.2 <3.0.0'
flutter: ">=1.17.0"
Usages :
Add dependency in the pubspec.yaml file as follows:
abw_sample_packagev1: ^0.0.4
Add following in the custom card’s onpressed or ontap method:
onPressed: () =>
DHAABWCustom.dhaABW(context, {customer ID}, {First Name}, {Last Name}, {Client Code}),
For e.g.: DHAABWCustom.dhaABW(context, "4", "Vishwangi", "Shah", "abcd"),
Android Settings :
Add the permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file
Go to file ->android ->app ->src ->main ->AndroidManifest.xml
Add below permissions in the manifest tag
IOS Settings :
Add this permission in info.plist


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