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ADS1219lib 0.0.2
ADS1219_lib is a Python library to use a ADS1219 with a Raspberry Pi.
Development funded by INRAE (REVERSAAL research unit, Villeurbanne, France)
Github of the project :
You can use this command to install ADS1219_lib easily :
git clone && cd ADS1219-Python && python3 install
Soon on pip Use the package manager pip to install ADS1219_lib :
pip install ADS1219_lib
from ADS1219_lib import ADS1219
#Create a new object with interupt pin on GPIO 4
ads = ADS1219( 1, 0x40, 4 )
#Set an external voltage reference of 2V
ads.setExternalReference( 2 )
#Define the gain to 4
ads.setGain( 4 )
#read inputs :
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readSingleEnded( 0 ) ) )
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readSingleEnded( 1 ) ) )
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readSingleEnded( 2 ) ) )
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readSingleEnded( 3 ) ) )
#Print the value of voltage between input 0 and 1
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readDifferential_0_1() ) )
#Print the value of voltage between input 2 and 3
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readDifferential_2_3() ) )
#Print the value of voltage between input 1 and 2
print( ads.convertToV( ads.readDifferential_1_2() ) )
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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