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aicstfregistration 0.1.1
Rigid registration algorithm for generating training/testing data for transfer function model
Rigid registration of .tiff confocal/fluorescent microscopy images, outputting cropped images containing their mutual field of view
Supports the following registration scenarios
Images at the same or different resolutions and pixel dimensions/scales
Full multichannel images based on a reference channel
Specific channels in multichannel images based on seperate reference channel
Multiple pairs of images with the same registration scenario at once
Configuration of registration settings through easy-to-read .yaml file
Outputs composite of registered image for easy evaluation of results
Quick Start
In console (after installation):
run_alignment --config_path `path/to/config/file.yaml`
Stable Release: pip install aics_tf_registration
Development Head: pip install git+
For full package documentation please visit
Image Requirements for Registration
In order for the registration algorithm to produce accurate results, the images must have the following requirements:
Images must be in .tif or .tiff format.
The source and target images must be in separate folders and images that are to be registered to each other must share the same filename.
Images must be 3D or 4D
The field of view of either the source or target image must be wholly contained within the fov of the other (or cropped to be so with the settings in the config file)
Rotation and mirroring of images (if necessary) to have matching orientations must either be done prior to registration or within the settings of the config file if it is consistent between different image pairs
The resolution/voxel dimensions of the images, or at least the relative scaling differences between the source and target image, should be known to within approximately 3-4 decimal units
Free software: Allen Institute Software License
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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