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aiotasks 1.0.0
aiotasks========*aiotasks: Celery like task manager for new AsyncIO Python module*Code | | ----------------------------------------------Issues | version | Python 3.5 and aboveWhat's aiotasks---------------aiotasks is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing based on Python asyncio framework. Based on the Celery Task Queue ideas, but focusing in performance, non-blocking, event-driven.What's new?-----------This aiotasks version, add a lot of new features and fixes, like:Version 1.0.0+++++++++++++- First version releasedYou can read entire list in CHANGELOG file.Installation------------Simple++++++Install aiotasks is so easy:```python3.5−mpipinstallaiotasks‘‘‘Withextraperformance++++++++++++++++++++++Aiotasksalsoincludessomeoptionaldependenciestoaddextraperformancebutrequiresabitdifferentinstallation,becausethey(usually)dependsofCextensions.Toinstallthetoolwithextraperformanceyoumustdo:‘‘‘ python3.5 -m pip install 'aiotasks[performance]'```**Remember that aiotasks only runs in Python 3.5 and above**.Quick start-----------You can display inline help writing:From cloned project+++++++++++++++++++```bashpython -h```From pip installation+++++++++++++++++++++```bashaiotasks -h```
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