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aiotrading 0.0.4
Crypto exchange APIs are often callback-oriented. This makes coding a nightmare and will distract you from your most important goal of developing a winning strategy.
aiotrading is here to solve this problem. Using it, interacting with exchanges will be as much fun as the following example:
from aiotrading import CandleStream
from import BinanceFutures
async with BinanceFutures() as exchange:
async with CandleStream(exchange, 'btcusdt', '3m') as stream:
for i in range(10):
candle = await
Sample output of this code example is:
connecting to exchange: binance-futures
opening candle stream btcusdt@3m
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.00, l:33789.99, c:33795.18, v:4.164
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.00, l:33789.99, c:33799.76, v:4.481
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.00, l:33789.99, c:33797.73, v:4.741
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.00, l:33789.99, c:33797.47, v:5.132
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.89, l:33789.99, c:33797.39, v:5.520
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.89, l:33789.99, c:33797.38, v:5.605
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33800.89, l:33789.99, c:33797.39, v:6.000
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33807.99, l:33789.99, c:33806.80, v:16.562
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33807.99, l:33789.99, c:33797.70, v:16.590
candle btcusdt, 3m, t:2021-01-30 11:39:00, o:33795.69, h:33807.99, l:33789.99, c:33794.60, v:17.342
closing candle stream btcusdt@3m
disconnecting from exchange: binance-futures
pip3 install aiotrading
Design Principles
Thin portable API. Lots of exchanges exist in the wild and developers like to migrate from exchange to exchange with no hassle.
Easy concurrency. No callbacks as they distract from the goal and introduce errors.
aiotrading is at its early stage of development. It currently supports a subset of Binance exchange API services. More services will be supported in the future. It is designed in a way that other exchanges can be supported easily.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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