Analizaruptor | Coderz Repository


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Analizaruptor is a tool that looks for 'break', 'require', and 'provides'

commands (and does a *teensy* bit of code analyzing (+/(class|module) *(w+)/+)

to provide some defaults) to make your RubyMotion +Rakefile+ and +debugger_cmds+

files short and consistent.


To use, include this gem, and add +app.analyze+ to your +Rakefile+, after you

have added your libraries and whatnot.  In your source code you can add

Analizaruptor commands (+#----> break|provides|requires+) and those will be

translated into directives for `app.files_dependencies` and `debugger_cmds`.


Run +rake+ or +rake debug=1+, and off you go!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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