Appdynamics Agent | Coderz Product


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appdynamics agent

AppDynamics Flutter Plugin #
Extension of the AppDynamics SDK that allows you to instrument Flutter apps and receive analytics.
This plugin wraps the native SDKs and requires a valid AppDynamics mobile license.
Features #
The Flutter agent incorporates the following features:

Network request tracking via
the TrackedHTTPClient
and RequestTracker
Automatic crash reporting
and CrashReportCallback
for extra crash report configuration.
Screen tracking
via NavigationObserver
and WidgetTracker.
Automatic detection and reporting of the app-is-not-responding cases (ANR).
mechanism to track custom user flows in the app.
and custom metrics
Automatic capture of screenshots and user touch-points (iOS only).
Custom user data on network requests, crash reports, or sessions.
Report breadcrumbs
to track UI widgets or custom user interactions.
to track events that span across multiple methods.
Mark method execution
as info points.
Split app instrumentation
into multiple sessions.
Automatically report device metrics (memory, storage, battery) and connection transition events.

Getting started #
Installation #
You can install the Flutter plugin via flutter — more info on
the Installation tab.
$ flutter pub add appdynamics_agent
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Extra configuration for Android apps: #

Add the following changes to android/build.gradle:

dependencies {
classpath "com.appdynamics:appdynamics-gradle-plugin:22.2.2"
// ... other dependencies
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Apply the adeum plugin to the bottom of the android/app/build.gradle file:

dependencies {
// ... project dependencies

// Bottom of file
apply plugin: 'adeum'
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Add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml (usually in android/src/main/):

<manifest xmlns:android=""

<!-- add these two permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

<!-- other permissions -->

<!-- other settings -->
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Start instrumentation #

NOTE: Replace <EUM_APP_KEY> with your app key.

import 'package:appdynamics_agent/appdynamics_agent.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

Future<void> main() async {

final config = AgentConfiguration(
appKey: "<EUM_APP_KEY>",
loggingLevel: LoggingLevel.verbose, // optional, for better debugging.
collectorURL: "<COLLECTOR_URL>", // optional, mostly on-premises.
screenshotURL: "<SCREENSHOT_URL>" // optional, mostly on-premises.
await Instrumentation.start(config);

runApp(const MyApp());
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Docs #
You can access docs or check
the official docs
for extra customization of the agent.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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