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Parses raw command-line arguments into a set of options and values.
This library supports GNU and POSIX style options, and it works in both
server-side and client-side apps.
Defining options #
First create an ArgParser:
var parser = ArgParser();
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Then define a set of options on that parser using addOption() and
addFlag(). Here's the minimal way to create an option named "name":
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When an option can only be set or unset (as opposed to taking a string value),
use a flag:
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Flag options, by default, accept a 'no-' prefix to negate the option. You can
disable the 'no-' prefix using the negatable parameter:
parser.addFlag('name', negatable: false);
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Note: From here on out, "option" refers to both regular options and flags. In
cases where the distinction matters, we'll use "non-flag option."
Options can have an optional single-character abbreviation, specified with the
abbr parameter:
parser.addOption('mode', abbr: 'm');
parser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v');
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Options can also have a default value, specified with the defaultsTo
parameter. The default value is used when arguments don't specify the option.
parser.addOption('mode', defaultsTo: 'debug');
parser.addFlag('verbose', defaultsTo: false);
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The default value for non-flag options can be any string. For flags, it must
be a bool.
To validate a non-flag option, you can use the allowed parameter to provide an
allowed set of values. When you do, the parser throws an
ArgParserException if the value for an option is not in
the allowed set. Here's an example of specifying allowed values:
parser.addOption('mode', allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
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You can use the callback parameter to associate a function with an option.
Later, when parsing occurs, the callback function is invoked with the value of
the option:
parser.addOption('mode', callback: (mode) => print('Got mode $mode'));
parser.addFlag('verbose', callback: (verbose) {
if (verbose) print('Verbose');
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The callbacks for all options are called whenever a set of arguments is parsed.
If an option isn't provided in the args, its callback is passed the default
value, or null if no default value is set.
If an option is mandatory but not provided, the results object throws an
[ArgumentError][ArgumentError] on retrieval.
parser.addOption('mode', mandatory: true);
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Parsing arguments #
Once you have an ArgParser set up with some options and flags, you use it by
calling ArgParser.parse() with a set of arguments:
var results = parser.parse(['some', 'command', 'line', 'args']);
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These arguments usually come from the arguments to main(). For example:
main(List<String> args) {
// ...
var results = parser.parse(args);
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However, you can pass in any list of strings. The parse() method returns an
instance of ArgResults, a map-like object that contains the values of the
parsed options.
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('verbose', defaultsTo: true);
var results = parser.parse(['--mode', 'debug', 'something', 'else']);

print(results.option('mode')); // debug
print(results.flag('verbose')); // true
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By default, the parse() method allows additional flags and options to be
passed after positional parameters unless -- is used to indicate that all
further parameters will be positional. The positional arguments go into
print(; // ['something', 'else']
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To stop parsing options as soon as a positional argument is found,
allowTrailingOptions: false when creating the ArgParser.
Specifying options #
To actually pass in options and flags on the command line, use GNU or POSIX
style. Consider this option:
parser.addOption('name', abbr: 'n');
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You can specify its value on the command line using any of the following:
--name somevalue
-n somevalue
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Consider this flag:
parser.addFlag('name', abbr: 'n');
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You can set it to true using one of the following:
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You can set it to false using the following:
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Multiple flag abbreviations can be collapsed into a single argument. Say you
define these flags:
..addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v')
..addFlag('french', abbr: 'f')
..addFlag('iambic-pentameter', abbr: 'i');
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You can set all three flags at once:
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By default, an option has only a single value, with later option values
overriding earlier ones; for example:
var parser = ArgParser();
var results = parser.parse(['--mode', 'on', '--mode', 'off']);
print(results.option('mode')); // prints 'off'
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Multiple values can be parsed with addMultiOption(). With this method, an
option can occur multiple times, and the parse() method returns a list of
var parser = ArgParser();
var results = parser.parse(['--mode', 'on', '--mode', 'off']);
print(results.multiOption('mode')); // prints '[on, off]'
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By default, values for a multi-valued option may also be separated with commas:
var parser = ArgParser();
var results = parser.parse(['--mode', 'on,off']);
print(results.multiOption('mode')); // prints '[on, off]'
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This can be disabled by passing splitCommas: false.
Defining commands #
In addition to options, you can also define commands. A command is a named
argument that has its own set of options. For example, consider this shell
$ git commit -a
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The executable is git, the command is commit, and the -a option is an
option passed to the command. You can add a command using the addCommand
var parser = ArgParser();
var command = parser.addCommand('commit');
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It returns another ArgParser, which you can then use to define options
specific to that command. If you already have an ArgParser for the command's
options, you can pass it in:
var parser = ArgParser();
var command = ArgParser();
parser.addCommand('commit', command);
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The ArgParser for a command can then define options or flags:
command.addFlag('all', abbr: 'a');
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You can add multiple commands to the same parser so that a user can select one
from a range of possible commands. When parsing an argument list, you can then
determine which command was entered and what options were provided for it.
var results = parser.parse(['commit', '-a']);
print(; // "commit"
print(results.command['all']); // true
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Options for a command must appear after the command in the argument list. For
example, given the above parser, "git -a commit" is not valid. The parser
tries to find the right-most command that accepts an option. For example:
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('all', abbr: 'a');
var command = parser.addCommand('commit');
command.addFlag('all', abbr: 'a');

var results = parser.parse(['commit', '-a']);
print(results.command['all']); // true
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Here, both the top-level parser and the "commit" command can accept a "-a"
(which is probably a bad command line interface, admittedly). In that case, when
"-a" appears after "commit", it is applied to that command. If it appears to
the left of "commit", it is given to the top-level parser.
Dispatching Commands #
If you're writing a command-based application, you can use the CommandRunner
and Command classes to help structure it. CommandRunner has built-in
support for dispatching to Commands based on command-line arguments, as well
as handling --help flags and invalid arguments.
When using the CommandRunner it replaces the ArgParser.
In the following example we build a dart application called dgit that takes commands commit and stash.
The CommandRunner takes an executableName which is used to generate the help message.
dgit commit -a
File dgit.dart
void main(List<String> args) {
var runner = CommandRunner("dgit", "A dart implementation of distributed version control.")
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When the above run(args) line executes it parses the command line args looking for one of the commands (commit or stash).
If the CommandRunner finds a matching command then the CommandRunner calls the overridden run() method on the matching command (e.g. CommitCommand().run).
Commands are defined by extending the Command class. For example:
class CommitCommand extends Command {
// The [name] and [description] properties must be defined by every
// subclass.
final name = "commit";
final description = "Record changes to the repository.";

CommitCommand() {
// we can add command specific arguments here.
// [argParser] is automatically created by the parent class.
argParser.addFlag('all', abbr: 'a');

// [run] may also return a Future.
void run() {
// [argResults] is set before [run()] is called and contains the flags/options
// passed to this command.
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CommandRunner Arguments #
The CommandRunner allows you to specify both global args as well as command specific arguments (and even sub-command specific arguments).
Global Arguments
Add argments directly to the CommandRunner to specify global arguments:
Adding global arguments
var runner = CommandRunner('dgit', "A dart implementation of distributed version control.");
// add global flag
runner.argParser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v', help: 'increase logging');
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Command specific Arguments
Add arguments to each Command to specify Command specific arguments.
CommitCommand() {
// we can add command specific arguments here.
// [argParser] is automatically created by the parent class.
argParser.addFlag('all', abbr: 'a');
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SubCommands #
Commands can also have subcommands, which are added with addSubcommand. A
command with subcommands can't run its own code, so run doesn't need to be
implemented. For example:
class StashCommand extends Command {
final String name = "stash";
final String description = "Stash changes in the working directory.";

StashCommand() {
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Default Help Command #
CommandRunner automatically adds a help command that displays usage
information for commands, as well as support for the --help flag for all
commands. If it encounters an error parsing the arguments or processing a
command, it throws a UsageException; your main() method should catch these and
print them appropriately. For example: {
if (error is! UsageException) throw error;
exit(64); // Exit code 64 indicates a usage error.
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Displaying usage #
You can automatically generate nice help text, suitable for use as the output of
--help. To display good usage information, you should provide some help text
when you create your options.
To define help text for an entire option, use the help: parameter:
parser.addOption('mode', help: 'The compiler configuration',
allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
parser.addFlag('verbose', help: 'Show additional diagnostic info');
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For non-flag options, you can also provide a help string for the parameter:
parser.addOption('out', help: 'The output path', valueHelp: 'path',
allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
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For non-flag options, you can also provide detailed help for each expected value
by using the allowedHelp: parameter:
parser.addOption('arch', help: 'The architecture to compile for',
allowedHelp: {
'ia32': 'Intel x86',
'arm': 'ARM Holding 32-bit chip'
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To display the help, use the usage getter:
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The resulting string looks something like this:
--mode The compiler configuration
[debug, release]

--out=<path> The output path
--[no-]verbose Show additional diagnostic info
--arch The architecture to compile for
[arm] ARM Holding 32-bit chip
[ia32] Intel x86
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