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battery info
Battery Info #
pub package
Flutter plugin, inspired by battery package, providing detailed information about the device battery (level, health, charging status, etc.). Now supports both IOS and Android.
Remaining charge time is only available on API level 28 (Android 9 Pie) and higher
👀 Unfortunately, due to Apple limitations can only retrieve battery level and charging status for the IOS devices.
Usage #
To use this plugin, add battery_info as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Available battery information #
Android :
Battery Capacity
Battery Level
Charging Status
Charge Time Remaining
Current Average
Current Now
Plugged Status
Battery Presence
Remaining Energy
Battery Level
Charging Status
Example #
// Import package
import 'package:battery/battery_info.dart';
import 'package:battery_info/model/android_battery_info.dart';
import 'package:battery_info/enums/charging_status.dart';
import 'package:battery_info/model/iso_battery_info.dart';
// Access current battery health - Android
print("Battery Health: ${(await BatteryInfoPlugin().androidBatteryInfo).health}");
// Access current battery level - IOS
print("Battery Level: ${(await BatteryInfoPlugin().iosBatteryInfo).batteryLevel}");
// Calculate estimated charging time
BatteryInfoPlugin().androidBatteryInfoStream.listen((AndroidBatteryInfo batteryInfo) {
print("Charge time remaining: ${(batteryInfo.chargeTimeRemaining / 1000 / 60).truncate()} minutes");
copied to clipboard
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