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Hash your passwords with BCrypt algorithm, this is a jBCrypt modified code to work with Dart.
Features #
Use BCrypt password-hashing function to keep your system secure.
Getting started #
Only add bcrypt package to your pubspec.yaml.
bcrypt: ^1.1.3
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Usage #
Use Bcrypt to hash and check password.
final String hashed = BCrypt.hashpw('password', BCrypt.gensalt());
// $2a$10$r6huirn1laq6UXBVu6ga9.sHca6sr6tQl3Tiq9LB6/6LMpR37XEGu
final bool checkPassword = BCrypt.checkpw('password', hashed);
// true
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Additional information #
This package is modified jBCrypt code used in Java and Spring Boot to improve security when saving passwords.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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