Breakpoint Scaffold | Coderz Product


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breakpoint scaffold

breakpoint_scaffold #
A scaffold that responds to different screen sizes by moving the drawer, navigation bar, and side sheet.
The design differs on various screen sizes, following Material Design breakpoints.
This package implements responsive design with the following components:

Primary navigation items (usually placed in BottomAppBar)
Secondary navigation components in a navigation menu (usually a Drawer)
A side sheet (usually a Drawer)

How the layout look...

On phones:

The primary navigation items are in a Bottom Navigation Bar (BottomAppBar)

The secondary navigation items are in a modal Navigation Drawer (Scaffold.drawer)
The side sheet is modal (placed in Scaffold.endDrawer)

On tablets in portrait mode:

The primary navigation items are in a Navigation Rail (NavigationRail)

The secondary navigation items are in a modal Navigation Drawer (Scaffold.drawer)
The side sheet is modal (placed in Scaffold.endDrawer)

On tablets in landscape mode:

The primary navigation items are in a Navigation Rail (NavigationRail)

The secondary navigation items are in a modal Navigation Drawer (Scaffold.drawer)
The side sheet is a standard (persistent) side sheet

On desktop:

All navigation items are combined in a standard (persistent) Navigation Drawer

The side sheet is a standard (persistent) side sheet

Check out the example for a runnable usage


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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