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carrier info
📱 Carrier Info #
Carrier Info gets networkType, networkGeneration, mobileCountryCode, mobileCountryCode, e.t.c from both android and ios devices. It's a port from this js project and an improvement on the existing flt_telephony_info package.
📸 Screen Shots #
Fetching android carrier info #
AndroidCarrierData? carrierInfo = await CarrierInfo.getAndroidInfo();
returns {
"isVoiceCapable": true,
"isDataEnabled": true,
"subscriptionsInfo": [
"mobileCountryCode": "310",
"isOpportunistic": false,
"mobileNetworkCode": "260",
"displayName": "T-Mobile",
"isNetworkRoaming": false,
"simSlotIndex": 0,
"phoneNumber": "+15551234567",
"countryIso": "us",
"subscriptionType": 0,
"cardId": 0,
"isEmbedded": false,
"carrierId": 1,
"subscriptionId": 1,
"simSerialNo": "",
"dataRoaming": 0
"isDataCapable": true,
"isSmsCapable": true,
"telephonyInfo": [
"networkCountryIso": "us",
"mobileCountryCode": "310",
"mobileNetworkCode": "260",
"displayName": "T-Mobile",
"simState": "SIM_STATE_READY",
"isoCountryCode": "us",
"cellId": {
"cid": 47108,
"lac": 8514
"phoneNumber": "+15551234567",
"carrierName": "T-Mobile",
"subscriptionId": 1,
"networkGeneration": "4G",
"radioType": "LTE",
"networkOperatorName": "T-Mobile"
IosCarrierData? carrierInfo = await CarrierInfo.getIosInfo();
returns {
"carrierData": [
"mobileNetworkCode": null,
"carrierAllowsVOIP": true,
"mobileCountryCode": null,
"carrierName": "glo",
"isoCountryCode": null
"mobileNetworkCode": "20",
"isoCountryCode": "ng",
"carrierAllowsVOIP": true,
"carrierName": "Airtel",
"mobileCountryCode": "621"
"supportsEmbeddedSIM": false,
"carrierRadioAccessTechnologyTypeList": [
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✨ Contribution #
Lots of PR's would be needed to make this plugin standard, as for iOS there's a permanent limitation for getting the exact data usage, there's only one way around it and it's super complex.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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