Channel Monitor | Coderz Product


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channel monitor

channel_monitor #
monitor flutter platform channel profiler, include EventChannel, MethodChannel, and BinaryChannel.
Getting Started #
void main() {
//add this code to first in your flutter project.
//note: this code will replace default
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now this package will work and save channel profiler.
Parse channel profiler data #

add channel profiler page in your project:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//the channel profiler page
return BasePage(ChannelDataManager.instance);
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dump to it:

Other Use #

Parse channel profiler use web
The example support web, you can run it in web and parse channel profiler files in web.

Note: the web don't support platforms channel, so it can parse channel profiler files form your computer.
More Config #
..timeOut = 10 //set monitor time out seconds, default is 5
..log = true // default is false
..testData =
false // use test data in Android or iOS, default is false : user your current project data
..addIgnoreChannelList("ignorechannle")//add ignore channel name, default is "flutter/platform", "flutter/navigation"
..dataUpload = (path) {
//the channel profiler will save in app's private dir.
//it will callback will the data > 10K
//you can upload data to your service and parse it.

File file = File(path);
// upload content to your service
print("channel data, file: $path \n content: ${file.readAsStringSync()}");

//if return true, the data will be delete.
return true;
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if you custom WidgetsFlutterBinding or BinaryMessenger, you can use ChannelMonitorManager. #
more info, clickcustom_flutter_binding


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