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Cizer #
Help you to be responsive #
Cizer is Flutter package that help you to build a responsive app.This package is inspired by Sizer and Bootstrap
Build Responsive text, height, and weight easily
Use Breakpoint to make responsive easier
Installation #
Add the following imports to your Dart file where you want to use Cizer:
import 'package:cizer/cizer.dart';
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Wrap MaterialApp with CizerApp widget
return CizerApp(
builder: (ctx) => MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
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Define your own breakpoint
Cizer using breakpoints(like bootstrap) as your helper to decide what to show on every breakpoint. We have 3 breakpoints used, the breakpoints and their default values are :
class BreakPoints {
static const phone= 576.0;
static const tablet = 992.0;
static const maximum = 1400.0;
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You can define your own value for each breakpoint in CizerApp initialization like this :
return CizerApp(
builder: (ctx) => MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
phoneBreakPoint: 500,
tabletBreakPoint: 1000,
maximumBreakPoint: 1500,
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Note : Maximum breakpoint is used for MaxwidhtContainer
Resoponsive Helper #
.h Use it when you want your widget height/width relative to screen height
.w Use it when you want your widget height/width relative to screen Width
.sp Text Size relative to screen width
Cizer.isMobile Return if current screen width is on mobile breakpoint
Cizer.isTablet Return if current screen width is on tablet breakpoint
Cizer.isDesktop Return if current screen width is on desktop breakpoint
Cizer.screen Return current screen state (Mobile, Tablet, or Desktop)
Cizer.break Break the application
How To Use ? #
The Not Effective Way (Avoid Const Widget) #
The most "dirty" way of using Cizer is to avoid using const on any widget that using cizer inside it (like Cizer.isDesktop or .sp). Not only on the widget that using it, but also every parent that using the widget.
When A widget given a const, Flutter will not rebuilt the widget, this cause the widget would not be responsive.
The Effective Way (Able to use Const Widget) #
If you choose to still using const for the sake of performance, then Cizer give you ResponsiveLayout widget to wrap your widget that need to be responsive. When you are using ResponsiveLayout only the needed widget will be rebuilt, and you are still able to use const widget.
This is the default constructor of ResponsiveLayout. You might use this class when you have excatly different things to show on every breakpoints. We are using mobile first principle, so the only required parameter are mobile body.
Here is the example of using responsivelayout :
return ResponsiveLayout(
mobileBody: () => const Text("Mobile Body"),
tabletBody: () => const Text("Mobile Body"),
desktopBody: () => const Text("Mobile Body"),
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There is an alternative constructor of ResponsiveLayout, it is ResponsiveLayout.freeBuild. You can use this, if you think the default constructor are to overkill or will result on boilerplate.
Let's say you want to change color of the text when your are on mobile breakpoint. Then if you are using default constructor it will be like this :
return ResponsiveLayout(
mobileBody: () => const Text(
"Random Text", style: TextStyle(color:
tabletBody: () => const Text(
"Random Text" , style: TextStyle(color:
desktopBody: () => const Text("Random Text" ,
style: TextStyle(color:
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With ResponsiveLayout.freeBuild you can solve it with less code. Here is the way you might use when you are using ResponsiveLayout.freeBuild Constructor :
return ResponsiveLayout.freeBuild(() =>
Text("Random Text",
style: TextStyle(color: Cizer.isMobile ? :
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