Clickable List Wheel View | Coderz Product


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clickable list wheel view

clickable_list_wheel_view #
Simple wrapper for ListWheelScrollView that allows children to respond on gesture (onTap) events

Installation #
In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:
clickable_list_wheel_view: latest_version
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Usage #
Basic #
You can get started really simple, just add

scrollController: _scrollController,
itemHeight: _itemHeight,
itemCount: _itemCount,
onItemTapCallback: (index) {
print("onItemTapCallback index: $index");
child: ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate(
controller: _scrollController,
itemExtent: _itemHeight,
physics: FixedExtentScrollPhysics(),
overAndUnderCenterOpacity: 0.5,
perspective: 0.002,
onSelectedItemChanged: (index) {
print("onSelectedItemChanged index: $index");
childDelegate: ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate(
builder: (context, index) => _child(index),
childCount: _itemCount,

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Full Api #
/// Required. The [child] which the wrapper will target to
final ListWheelScrollView child;

/// Required. Must be the same for list and wrapper
final ScrollController scrollController;

/// Optional. ListWheelScrollView height
final double listHeight;

/// Required. Height of one child in ListWheelScrollView
final double itemHeight;

/// Required. Number of items in ListWheelScrollView
final int itemCount;

/// If true the list will scroll on click
final bool scrollOnTap;

/// Set a handler for listening to a `tap` event
final OnItemTapCallback onItemTapCallback;

/// sets the duration of the scroll animation
final Duration animationDuration;

/// use with ListWheelChildLoopingListDelegate
final bool loop;

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