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coopbank pesalink
This package contains methods that make it easy to consume Co-op Bank Pesalink Api. It's multi-platform, and supports CLI, server, mobile, desktop, and the browser.
Using #
Create an instance of CoopPesalink, then use its methods to consume the Api
import 'package:coopbank_pesalink/coopbank_pesalink.dart';
void main() async {
String accessToken() {
return 'your token';
var coopPesalink = CoopPesalink(baseAccountNo: '36001873000');
// pesalink
BankReponse bankReponse = await coopPesalink.pesaLink(
referenceNumber: 'bcsjsgcjscjbsdjbvdvjrdfi',
accountNumber: '{accountNumber}',
bankCode: '{bankCode}',
amount: 50,
callBackUrl: '{callBackUrl}',
transactionDescription: '{transactionDescription}',
accessToken: accessToken()
// fetch latest 10 transactions
BankReponse bankReponseTransactions = await coopPesalink.trancations(
referenceNumber: 'bcsjsgcjscjbsdjbvdvjrdfi',
noOfTransactions: 10,
accessToken: accessToken()
print(bankReponseTransactions.rawResponceBody); // print the whole response body
print(bankReponseTransactions.transactions); // print the the lis of transactions [List<BankTransactionModel>]
copied to clipboard
The API response has a message code that represent the status of the request;
[bankReponse.messageCode] or [messageCode.rawResponceBody['MessageCode']]
Full Success
Partial Success
Full Failure
Dublicate message reference
Invalid/Missing parameter
The amount must be positive
Request timed out
Debit and Credit(s) amount not balancing
Amount Less/Greater than Minimum/Maximum limit allowed or Date format
Account authorization failure
Currency invalid/not allowed
Bank code invalid/not pesalink memberbank
Message reference longer than allowed length
Dublicate/Identical reference
Message reference does not exist
Invalid account number
Daily limi exhausted
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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