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copy with e generator
copy_with_e #
You want to copy your object and change individual property values? #
var bob = Person(age: 5, name: "bob");
bob.cwPerson(age: 6, name: "bobby");
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... then use copy_with_e #
copy_with_e is dart nullsafety compatible (and works on subclasses too unlike most implementions, see below)
Just put the CopyWithE annotation on the class
class Person {
final int age;
final String name;
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add the dependencies
copy_with_e_annotation: ^1.0.2-nullsafety2
copy_with_e_generator: ^1.0.2-nullsafety2
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and build the generated code
pub run build_runner build
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You can also copy by interface type
var bob = Person(age: 5, name: "bob");
var rob = Employee(age: 9, name: "rob");
var hasAges = <HasAge>[bob, rob];
//add a year to all employees & people => x.cwHasAge(age: 3 + 1));
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...if a class implementing an interface is in a different file you need to tell CopyWithE annotation about those classes (for classes in the same file it is automatic)
@CopyWithE([Person, Employee])
abstract class HasAge {
int get age;
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For more examples look at the Examples test folder in the github repository
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