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country ip
With country_ip you can find users' country (and nothing else) from their IP address.
This package is based on No API_KEY or AUTHORIZATION needed. Free to use API.
Features #
Find users' country using their current IP
Find country of a specified IP (Both IPv4 & IPv6 addresses supported)
Getting started #
To use this plugin, add country_ip as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
country_ip: [latest-version]
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Usage #
Import #
import 'package:country_ip/country_ip.dart';
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Find country using current IP #
To find users' country from their current IP, call CountryIp.find()
Returns CountryResponse object which includes:
Country Code (ISO 3166 ALPHA-2)
On Error functions returns null object.
Example :
final countryIpResponse = await CountryIp.find();
print("countryIpResponse : $countryIpResponse");
// countryIpResponse : CountryResponse(country: United States, countryCode: US, ip:
print("User's country code : ${countryIpResponse?.countryCode}");
// User's country code : US
print("User's country : ${countryIpResponse?.country}");
// User's country : United States
print("User's ip : ${countryIpResponse?.ip}");
// User's ip :
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Find country of a specified IP #
To find country of a specified IP, call CountryIp.findFromIP(String ip)
Returns CountryResponse object which includes:
Country Code (ISO 3166 ALPHA-2)
On Error functions returns null object.
Examples :
Using IPv4
final countryIpResponse = await CountryIp.findFromIP('');
print("countryIpResponse : $countryIpResponse");
// countryIpResponse : CountryResponse(country: United States, countryCode: US, ip:
print("User's country code : ${countryIpResponse?.countryCode}");
// User's country code : US
print("User's country : ${countryIpResponse?.country}");
// User's country : United States
print("User's ip : ${countryIpResponse?.ip}");
// User's ip :
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Using IPv6
final countryIpResponse = await CountryIp.findFromIP('::ffff:909:909');
print("countryIpResponse : $countryIpResponse");
// countryIpResponse : CountryResponse(country: United States, countryCode: US, ip: ::ffff:909:909)
print("User's country code : ${countryIpResponse?.countryCode}");
// User's country code : US
print("User's country : ${countryIpResponse?.country}");
// User's country : United States
print("User's ip : ${countryIpResponse?.ip}");
// User's ip : ::ffff:909:909
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Issues #
Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on our GitHub page.
Author #
This Country IP package is developed by NirmalCode.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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